
April 16, 2008

Priveleged Parking-No Permit Required

Driving around the local mall yesterday, searching for a parking space, we noticed signs saying "Expectant Mother Parking". I don't go shopping much, so this may not be new, but it is new to me. I was wondering if the expectant mother had to be showing to qualify, or if someone a month pregnant would be able to avoid a ticket, or if someone not pregnant but looked pregnant could get away with using the special parking space. Would the "expectant mother" have to display a special sign in order to use the space?

When will we have these signs in parking lots (just to name a few):

Grandmother/Grandfather Parking
Bipolar Disorder Parking
Smoking/Non-Smoking Parking Sections
Patrons With Pets Parking
Busy Executives Parking
Student Drivers Parking
Parking For Bloggers Only

April 12, 2008

The Golden Rule (My Way)

For years I have heard about The Golden Rule and attempted to live my life using that philosophy.

People relate to hearing or seeing "The Golden Rule" so much, that the original name of JC Penney was The Golden Rule. Catchy, huh.

Found here:
"To apply the golden rule adequately, we need knowledge and imagination. We need to know what effect our actions have on the lives of others. And we need to be able to imagine ourselves, vividly and accurately, in the other person's place on the receiving end of the action."

I have imagination but I cannot know what effect my words, looks, or actions have on anyone else unless I am living within their being.

To do unto others as I would have them do unto me is to assume that the others are running on the same ethical steam that I am. Not so. I aspire to complete honesty. That means honest in my relationships as well as honest in business dealings and even honest in filing taxes. Sound corny?

These days I follow a standard of a golden rule that is tailored to my very own lifestyle and beliefs. I have no expectations of a certain response or behavior from anyone else. That means freedom on my part to keep myself in check and not be concerned with the consequences because I act in good conscience just because that is how I choose to live. I work on my shortcomings and live in the present (most of the time) and forgive myself when necessary.

This is not the same thing as "Live and Let Live". Nor is it the same as "To Thine Own Self Be True". This is more like don't expect the same thing from other people that I expect of myself and don't judge others, just keep working on myself.

April 06, 2008

Color Inside The Lines

Found here:
"Binney & Smith first introduced Crayola Crayons in 1903 with a box of eight colors: Black, Brown, Orange, Violet, Blue, Green, Red, and Yellow. For the next 45 years, the color mix and the color names remained unchanged."
Wow! 1903!!!
"In 1949, the choices increased six-fold, bringing the total in the box to 48 colors."

"In 1958 additional crayons were added, expanding the selection to 64 colors."

"The fluorescent hues of the 70’s found their way into the Crayola box in 1972 with the addition of eight neon-bright crayons."

"Consumers named 16 new colors in 1993, bringing the total to 96."

"In 1998, 24 new colors were added, bringing the total to 120."

And crayons are still being used by kids of all ages all over the world.

April 05, 2008


Found here.

I have enough old CD's for a stool, a short three legged stool.

April 02, 2008

These Shoes Were Made For Walkin'

These are my tennies. They are the most comfortable shoes I own. We walk over an hour every day now and these shoes are what I wear for walking and exercising.

My sister-in-law likes these shoes. They are pretty cute, kinda girly.
White tennis shoes with two sets of shoelaces. One shoelace white.
One shoelace is white with bright pink checks. It takes a little more time
to put these shoes on and take off because I have to tighten or loosen two
sets of shoelaces.

So worth it. So comfy.

April 01, 2008

Remembered And Still Not Repaired Part II

Because it was almost her ninth birthday, she was feeling more carefree than usual. When she got to the country store and purchased the loaf of bread, the change in her hand was exciting. She had been on many errands to the store, but today the change was suddenly interesting.

There were small toys in plastic casings hanging from metal hooks. Mesmerized by these objects, she took important time to handle each one and examine the miniature toys with such joy. And then she had to have one. She handed the cashier the change from the previous purchase and held the miniature toy to her heart. Her first purchase. Ever.

The return walk that day was unlike the other walks previously. There was a bounce in her step and a shy smile on her lips. Maybe life could be nice after all.

As she walked into the house her mother asked for the change. She showed the beautiful toy to her mother. She was so devastated by the loud words from her mother; she did not understand at first that she was being told to walk back to the store and return the toy and bring back the money.

When she did return with the change her mother broke a limb off a tree and stripped off the leaves and swatted the little girl's legs.

To Be Continued in a Future Post.