
April 01, 2008

Remembered And Still Not Repaired Part II

Because it was almost her ninth birthday, she was feeling more carefree than usual. When she got to the country store and purchased the loaf of bread, the change in her hand was exciting. She had been on many errands to the store, but today the change was suddenly interesting.

There were small toys in plastic casings hanging from metal hooks. Mesmerized by these objects, she took important time to handle each one and examine the miniature toys with such joy. And then she had to have one. She handed the cashier the change from the previous purchase and held the miniature toy to her heart. Her first purchase. Ever.

The return walk that day was unlike the other walks previously. There was a bounce in her step and a shy smile on her lips. Maybe life could be nice after all.

As she walked into the house her mother asked for the change. She showed the beautiful toy to her mother. She was so devastated by the loud words from her mother; she did not understand at first that she was being told to walk back to the store and return the toy and bring back the money.

When she did return with the change her mother broke a limb off a tree and stripped off the leaves and swatted the little girl's legs.

To Be Continued in a Future Post.

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