
July 11, 2010

The Plus Side Of Having A Pet

Remember: Dogs and cats are better than children because they:

1. Animal Humor. Cat and dog jokes. Eat less.

2. Usually come when called.

3. Are easier to train.

4. Don't ask for money all the time.

5. Don't drink or smoke.

6. Don't hang out with friends who use drugs.

7. Never ask to drive the car.

8. Don't have to have the latest fashions.

9. Don't want to wear your clothes.

10. Don't need a gazillion dollars for college, and

11. If they get pregnant, you can sell their children

Pet Murphy bed found in Solutions magagazine. I like this bed for a pet. If I could have a pet, I would have one of these Murphy beds for my pet. This list in this post was found in Google one time while I was looking around for something and saved this list for today's post.


Pseudo said...

My dog is such a joy. I should buy him that bed, but he sleeps in our big king sized bed...

Ms. A said...

That's a great bed!

Opaque said...

Hehe... very true!

Brian Miller said...

love my cat...she lets you know when she needs love and when she doesnt...cant think of a more perfect pet for us...

Anonymous said...

LOL. We have had our dog for three years. He's listens to my mom and guards the refrigerator. Maybe, she trained him to do that!

Unknown said...

:) :) so true!!
A pet loves you unconditionally... (okay okay, as long as you feed them).

I love the look of that bed!

savannah said...

cute bed! and a very funny list, sugar! xoxox

gayle said...

If I wanted an inside pet...I would want that bed too. I love that one about selling the kids!!

Ina in Alaska said...

That is a cool dog Murphy bed but 2 of ours sleep in bed with us (Toby & Ginger) and Halle has a big cushy bed on the floor and Jeter loves his crate next to Halle. Like kids, pets have their own unique traits and thankfully they don't ask for $$$.... but I have had the most expensive rescues at times!! xoxo

Kathy M. said...

A pet Murphy bed! How precious!

I was reading in Hope's blog "A Song Not Scored for Breathing" recently. She talking about how raising puppies is like raising kids in many ways.

Her daughter responded: "At least with a puppy she didn't have to feel bad about putting it in its pen and walking away when she'd had enough and how it wasn't going to end up in puppy therapy years down the road because of it."

It got me to thinking: Maybe I should have stuck with animals! ;-)

Jeanie said...

We are very happy dog owners and I love your list. I think I better not let Dodger get wind of that fancy bed though.

Maude Lynn said...

Easier to train? Boy, that's the truth!

DJan said...

The only real minus side of doggies is their short life span. I don't have one right now, but I've known and loved many. Great list, TB!

R. J. said...

That's a cute bed, but it would always have to be out for most dogs. My black lab used a big bean bag any time she was not standing. I love having dogs, but letting go is the worst. I can't bring myself to get another.

Robert the Skeptic said...

Still, I can relate to a bumper sticker we once saw. It read: "Empty Nesters. "The kids have moved out, now we're just waiting for the pets to die."

Anonymous said...

our little Simom makes us laugh every single day! And he's like that bed!

Casey Freeland said...

Can you not have pets?

The Murphy bed is cool and all, but in my house we'd put it down and never put it away again. Our dogs are likely to nap any time during the day.


Tatersmama said...

Forget the dog! I want a bed like that for ME! Simply close it up and you don't have to worry about making it!! How cool is that? ;)

Thanks for the comment on my blog... it's always luverly to meet new friends!

secret agent woman said...

Yeah, but I'm not allergic to kids!

Bernie said...

Love the Pet Murphy Bed......:-)Hugs

James said...

I bet I wouldn't be going to Paris if I had kids instead of cats. :)

Come to think of it I never had escargot in Paris but I had it in San Francisco. :)

Kristina P. said...

As if I needed more convincing to hate babies. :)

TALON said...

This was funny. Especially no. 11. I think I'd need a bigger house if I got those murphy beds for our two dogs, but I think they'd love them :)

Cheryl said...

Having both children and a dog...but my dog is definitely spoiled rotten, he too sleeps in our king-sized bed!

Liz Mays said...

You make some very valid points here!

Unknown said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha : ) Sell their children. LOVE it : )

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Some idiot would surely close it up with the little doggie inside. The only argument to that list would be that you don't have to carry plastic bags and scoop your offsprings' poop off lawns and sidewalks. (One hopes.) That's a big benefit to human kids.

Anne H said...

Sell the kids!

Gotta love that!

Kulio said...

oh no way, the pet murphy bed, that is the cutest! We have a miniature dachsund and he would love that!

Dave King said...

Agreed. Absolutely!

Shrinky said...

It's number 11 that's hooked me! Too funny, if only it weren't so true..

Syd said...

That bed is really cute. I enjoy the dogs and cats. They are a lot of entertainment. And provide so much unconditional love.

Sabi Sunshine said...

I never used to like dogs but for few years I am much dog lover and i think they are adorable. I love cats too. They have a same heart that we do and emotions too. Their were so many stories about dogs being beaten by people and always make me cry WHy people do that?

Take Care

Land of shimp said...

Yes indeed, Puddles has her very own memory foam bed. She even looks at it approvingly as she passes by, on the way to hopping onto the end of our bed. It's in pristine condition, and likely to remain that way.

Good list, and it evoked several "Isn't that the truth?" smiles from me. Still, I'll keep my son, I guess. He's far too old at this point to score a good price on Ebay anyway ;-)

The Urban Cowboy said...

That bed is pretty cool. I've had my dog now for 9 years, and he's been through a lot with me!

G-Man said...

Thats right..G-Man.
I see that demure Avatar all over blogland, and I'm crashing your party.
1. Loved your post
2. Love your blog.
3. Love your comments.
4. Don't pay any attention to me, I'm quite harmless.
5. Carry on....

Anonymous said...

Haha! That is such a cute bed!! Pets are maravelous for many reasons! I love my cat panchita! haha!

Bill Lisleman said...

that bed is nuts. You are right about most of the items. But my dog didn't wear my clothes (shoes) but wanted to eat them - so that even worst. And the way she would jump up into the front seat I think she wanted to drive. She could cuss out the other drivers with her barks.

Hey pop over to Unknown Mami and check out Charlie and I conversation in the comment section.

Bill Lisleman said...

dang one more - when I was kid we had a parakeet that smoked and drank whiskey - my dad was a bad influence on that bird.

Mike said...

Yea, but kids usually don't piss and crap all over the carpet! haha

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

I once had a dog that drank and smoked then took his druggy friends for spins my car. The cops pulled him over one night, and I had to bail him out of jail. The legal bills were huge, and I eventually traded him in for some kids, which have proved to be the lesser of two evils, but just barely.

Kazzy said...

Awwww... cute. My kids really love our dogs, and I know I need to love the dogs more. Good reminder.

Momma Fargo said...

That is pretty fancy and a smart design idea. Does it come with the pretty cute puppy as well? Very cool.

Mrs4444 said...

"If they get pregnant, you can sell their children." I love it.

If only you could combine the best parts of both pets; like have a dog who can stay home alone for a few days alone, or a cat who doesn't throw up hairballs on a regular basis!

Mrs4444 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
notesfromnadir said...

Classic, but I have to agree w/ all of them. They don't ask to drive the car, or even go in it! Yes, they are a plus all the way around!

Marla said...

Ok.....#11.....LOVE IT!!!