
May 25, 2010

Movers And Shakers

Maybe I have a penchant for bathrooms. I think I have shown four pictures or graphics depicting different bathrooms in posts in this little hippie blog. I like bathrooms but not so much potty talk.


Ronda Laveen said...

This is funny! I'm gonna stay out of "Shaker's" way though.

Ms. A said...

Ha! Good one.

Cindy said...

Ha, that is a good one, very funny.Your little hippie blog is pretty hip you know. have a great week take care.

Jana said...

Hi, That was good...I love bathrooms too but not potty talk!

I have an award for you over on my blog in yesterday's post!

Rock Chef said...

Very good!

I tend to use the Mover's one even when I am only a Shaker. I just don't like that "standing shoulder to shoulder with other guys while going" thing...

secret agent woman said...

One of those things that make sme thankful I'm a woman!

savannah said...

hilarious, sugar! thanks for the laugh. xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

LOL. This is funny. I'm gonna forget I saw this... hehe

Brian Miller said...

Ms Scarlet said...

I'd hate having to clean up after shakers...

Opaque said...

This is very funny. Thanks for sharing.

Jeanie said...

And here I thought the Fortune 500 types all used gold-plated "thrones". Thanks for the good laugh.

DJan said...

Funny! I had to think about it for a minute but now I'm smiling.

Kathy M. said...

That is very funny. Thanks for sharing. (But not too much!) lol

Momma Fargo said...

Oh geez. Laughing until I peed in the movers area. LOL. Thanks for this!

Casey Freeland said...

If I'm a mover and a shaker I may get confused and go in the sink.


Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

that is FUN to the T!!! OMG!! LOVE IT!!!! Happy Tuesday!

Syd said...

Funny on the shaker thing....I have a poem to share:
"No matter how much you shake your peg,
The last few drops run down your leg."
From my father to me....

Robert the Skeptic said...

Hopefully that room doesn't have a glass ceiling.

Cheryl said...

Haha! I had a good laugh over this! This made my day, believe it or not...

R. J. said...

We ladies have to be "movers." That's why I don't like camping. Those "shakers" can go anywhere.

LL Cool Joe said...

Nothing like some toilet humour.

The Urban Cowboy said...

I'm a mover and a shaker!

Bill Lisleman said...

very good - thanks for the laugh
Someone should put up signs like that.
Did you know that advertising above urinals is a growing biz. You need something to look at while standing there.

Tess Kincaid said...

Hee HEE!!!

Bernie said...

I love the way you worded this, I too love bathrooms but don't like potty talk ever.......:-) Hugs

Unknown said...

OH MY GOSH! So funny!

Hilary said...

Oh you're just a potty animal. ;) Funny toon. :)

Claudya Martinez said...

Everytime you say, "this little hippie blog", I picture your blog walking down Haight Street in San Francisco.

Anonymous said...

hahaha that is a good one!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Hahahahaha-- THAT made me laugh out loud! Thanks, I needed that.


gayle said...

Love that!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Very funny!

Julie said...

Hilarious!! I have to forward this link to my hubby...haha! I'm glad I'm not a "shaker," but I do envy their ability to write their names in the snow.

Thanks for the laugh. Have a beautiful day!

The Absence of Alternatives said...

LOL Great find!

Eileen said...

Very cute! I'll have to show my husband this one!