
May 02, 2010

Rock Star Extraordinaire

Have you seen this video? One of our friends who still lives in San Diego sent this to me. We moved here from San Diego two years ago.


Kristina P. said...

Are you kidding me? That is incredible!

Brian Miller said...

wow. that guy is unbelievable...

Bernie said...

This is great.....:-) Hugs

Everyday Goddess said...

fascinating! has anyone interviewed him yet??

Opaque said...

That is staggering! He should be of the Bengali race!

secret agent woman said...

That's really very cool.

Jeanie said...

I can't add much to what's already been said...that is amazing.

Kathy M. said...

Wow. That's amazing. Did I mention that I used to live in San Diego?

Green-Eyed Momster said...

I've never seen anything like this before! Thanks for posting this!


Ms. A said...

Hadn't seen that one yet. Cool!

Karen Mello Burton said...

That was really really cool. Thanks for sharing.

Casey Freeland said...


Ronda Laveen said...

Holey Moley, I must try that.

Robert the Skeptic said...

I'd never be able to do anything like that... sunlight makes me sneeze.

Ina in Alaska said...

WOW! Also I enjoyed the soothing music which accompanied the beautiful balanced rocks!

LL Cool Joe said...

I bet he buys super glue in bulk! Joking.

Don't you ever wonder if someone wakes up one day as says "I know what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna balance different rocks on one another."

Anonymous said...

i think I am going to try a similar thing with my colleagues... and then know them all down like dominoes!!

He is a seriously cool dude!

David said...

Ok this was amazing!

tony said...

What A Nice Face He Has.Rock Without The Roll.Tis Good!

Liz Mays said...

He is truly in touch with nature. He feels it like we couldn't possibly feel it. Amazing!

R. J. said...

Fabulous! Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Unknown said...

such unique beauty,
thank you for sharing this!!

Land of shimp said... the heck does he do that? That's astounding. It's as if he can suspend the laws of gravity at his whim.

I think what is absolute amazing was that there was a day, long in his past, when he realized he could that. Then he just did it.

Can you even imagine being there at the time? Such an amazing gift to have. Thank you for sharing it.

At a guess, he lost a finger to an ill-timed sneeze. Several of those rocks look heavy, and unforgiving.

Momma Fargo said...

Wow. That was amazing!

Claudya Martinez said...

I have seen this, it's pretty amazing. My mother lives in San Diego.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Very talented indeed

Bill Lisleman said...

did not see the video before but a few years I read about a guy doing rock balancing. He was on the west coast and there were similar picture.

I also am wondering if his partial finger is related to the rocks.

Not quite the same but I remember balancing salt shaker on restaurant tables. It took patience.

Mike said...

And they wonder how the pyramids were built! Sheesh!

karen said...

That is amazing!

Suldog said...

Absolutely fascinating. Some people have gifts that are beyond imagining.

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Absolutely incredible! He's amazing! And wow! You lived in San Diego? I spent my teenage years there! Too cool! ~Janine XO

Anonymous said...

Some people are just blessed with a unique gift that helps show the world that all things may be possible! Thank you for sharing this!

Anne H said...

Awesome and wonderful!
Love the good side of YouTube, and sharing!

Stacy Uncorked said...

That is absolutely amazing!! I really enjoyed that - thanks for sharing! :)

James said...

Okay, I'm officially amazed! This gives a whole new meaning to Rock Star. Wow!

Julie said...

I always find something to brighten up my day when I visit your site, Technobabe. This is completely awesome and beautiful!

Mrs4444 said...

That's hard to believe! Wow.