
January 02, 2011

I'm Walking; Keep On Walking Onward And Upward




Free at last
Soaring with the eagles
Accepting what I cannot change
Discarding the last of the load
Strength in knowledge of self
Now a challenge but achievable
A few ruts and pebbles
Roads now less rocky
No longer struggling
No longer climbing
Taking big steps easily
Eyes clear, posture erect
Stand tall, big smile
Let everything else go
Keep a few warm and fuzzies
Release more burdens
Reach one goal and keep going
Look up and have goals
Less discomfort
Walking taller now
Let go of more baggage
Four more steps
Take deep, even breaths
Four steps easily
Walking upward is easier now
There, better isn't it
Let go of some if it
You are carrying weight
Ahh, you noticed
Keep moving
Two more steps
A second step
One step up


Lisa said...

I'll take that with me to start the new year. Thank you. And yes Technobabe, I was the one on the roller-skates:)

Anne H said...

We are off to a great start here!

Dave King said...

Actually, it made perfectly good sense read either way - you are twice as brilliant as you thought you were! Very clever - and it worls extremely well.

Opaque said...

Have always loved the ROCKY THEME! I find it to be one of the most inspiring movies of all time.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

I don't know if I have ever been asked to read bottom to top like that before, thanks :)

Shadow said...

this is simply outstanding! well, well written. and so uplifting too. give hope...

Eileen said...

Such a beautiful message to start the New Year! I LOVE IT!
'Speaks to my heart. Very inspirational. Thank you!
I'm sure it has deep meaning for you too, thanks so much for sharing those feelings, struggles, and triumphs.
'Love the idea of climbing and overcoming.
Great post! A very novel idea to scroll up. Very effective.
All the best,

Fireblossom said...

Ha! I love it.

Shrinky said...

What a clever post! So uplifting (no pun intended - grin), as well as true.

Jeanie said...

Each step is a victory if we will just keep climbing. Very inspiring and creative.

Lori said...

I read this both ways and starting from the bottom or top made perfect sense...such wise words you've inscribed here...most that I've learned to live by on my own climb onward and upward but still need to be reminded of often and on occasion have had to relearn these.."accepting what I cannot change"..."release more burdens"..."breathe"...I just noticed this morning while I was busy in my kitchen that I hold my breathe a often I need to just stop and breathe but I don't...when I do this for too long my pain levels go up even more so in a way it's a wake up call to just breathe...thank you for these words my friend...brilliant post, written very well. XX

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I feel taller and lighter already!! :-)

Wandering Coyote said...

Just wanted to wish you a Happy new year, Technobabe, and I appreciate that you keep coming back to read even though I don't often return the favour. It means a lot to me.

TALON said...

Absolutely beautiful, TechnoBabe! I loved it! So true - one step at a time is exactly what it takes...

gayle said...

That is just great!! One step at a time!!! Letting go of bagage!

secret agent woman said...

I'm about half-way along that path, working on the letting go.

David Cranmer said...

An outstanding piece.

African Refugees said...

"Soaring with the eagles" - What a delightful message of hope and a great way of being!

Happy New Year, Technobabe!!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Hi Techno-- You blew me away with this one. I could feel myself relaxing and I read (backwards). Thank you.

Happy New Year my friend! jj

Bill Lisleman said...

Hey rocky you are the champ at getting us to read up from the bottom. good stuff thanks

Cindy said...

Awesome that is all the motivation to keep walking I need. I did walk on the treadmill today, last night I walked on stairs...those are a killer for me...but they are a goal. thanks so much for this post. wishing you a wonderful year to get our healthy on.

Jinksy said...

Starting at grass roots level makes perfect sense to me! LOL

Diva's Thoughts said...

I like this post!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

LOL that was difficult for someone like me to read!

Happy New Year to you and hubby

Liz Mays said...

I sooooo loved that!!!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

A hopeful post. I want to be free...

Suldog said...

Jeez, I like that a lot. It really does give the palpable feel of being stronger just from reading it in the right direction. Cool!

Bob Bushell said...

Really great. Thanks for coming to my site, I'm hoping!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Woohoo!!! You go girl! I do believe we're off to a grand start.

God bless ya girl and have a terrific New Year sweetie!!!

Kathy M. said...

Hi Technobabe,

I love this post. I felt myself getting lighter as I read up. Truly I did. Amazing. You never fail to surprise. Thank you. Hugs.

Kulio said...

Great idea for a post! And perfect for the new year. It felt like, "ahhh...." Nice!

Big Dave T said...

Ah, but you should also post the Rocky song, "Going the Distance." The importance of perserverence is something we should be reminded of too as we begin a new year. Happy New Year by the way, in case I haven't said it already. Hope you reach your goals and, if you haven't, that you keep trying.

Syd said...

I am moving right there with you. We will keep climbing until we reach the stars.

Anonymous said...

I love that! I'm going to have to save it somewhere for when when I need to relax and feel motivated. I'm thinking it would also fill on Jillsy's One Word Wednesday next week - 'soar'!

Anonymous said...

Hey what a beautiful post!! I really liked it! Hope you do more like these! :D

Marla said...

Outstanding Techno!

Cheryl Kohan said...

That was fun! And very freeing, of course. I have to remember to take deep breaths. It feels so good when you do. I'm going to print this up and put in above my desk! Thank you, my friend.