
July 05, 2010

Tulsa Time

Takin' it easy, Dude
Just hangin' out
Snoozin' and restin'

Sighs of contentment
Smiles of satisfaction
Joy in the tranquility

Windin' down the brainwaves
Nothin' hasslin' me
All is right in my world

Livin' a simple life
Left the baggage behind
Findin' fulfillment

Don't need a clock
Time doesn't rule
The inner schedule calm

Easin' into the day
In touch with the well-being
Livin' on Tulsa time.


Brian Miller said...

sounds about like the perfect time...we were on tulsa time yesterday just chillin'. hope you are well techno...

LL Cool Joe said...

I wish my partner would read this. Sometimes it would be nice just to chill out.

Nice one!

savannah said...

i need to copy this and carry it with me, sugar! xoxoxo

Mike said...

I know the song Livin on Tulsa time, but are these the lyrics?

Momma Fargo said...

Love it!

CiCi said...

These are not the lyrics to the song. I just wrote what I was feelin' and posted it.

TALON said...

Tulsa Time sounds delightful, TechnoBabe. I've only had little pockets of it lately, but I'm hoping to string a whole week together soon.

Jeanie said...

Wonderful expression of a contented life and a peace of mind.

BTW, I grew up in Tulsa.

The Absence of Alternatives said...

You wrote this? WOW! Very very nice!

Sabi Sunshine said...

wow i love the pic and poem both.. it's really important to chill out once in a while.. we are so busy to do that! Nice post !

I also wanted to let you know i dont know how all the commnets are erased from my blog.. Please accept my appologies, i did complain on the blogger site they said it will take time to get back all the commnets. Please accept my appologies on that! I was really mad about that!

I do comuter chat conversation.

Love Sunshine

Kristina P. said...

I wish I could live on Tulsa time.

Ed Pilolla said...

tulssa time, huh? i need some tulsa time. groovy.

Karen Mello Burton said...

So, is Tulsa where you live? I guess I have never known where you are.

Maude Lynn said...

I just can't relate to this. But, then, my mother-in-law lives in Tulsa!

Debbie said...

I'd like to be on that time all the time!

Cheryl said...

Ah...sounds very nice!

secret agent woman said...

Everyone needs those days.

Everyday Goddess said...

very important to be on Tulsa time!

jozien said...

mmmmm there you go, that's where i wanna go, Tulsa Time. I know Techno babe you found it, you are amazing.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Ahhhh :-)
Hope you had a great weekend.

Maggie May said...

Contentment...... oozing out of the post!
Maggie X

Nuts in May

The Urban Cowboy said...

Right on...Tulsa time, finding fulfillment...that's what it's all about. That and chillin'

I'm with ya!

Opaque said...

Very easy-going!

Syd said...

I am living on boat time these last few days and loving it.

Kathy M. said...

Very nice. My husband is from Tulsa--lovely place--and I can't help but think of the song of the same name.

Bill Lisleman said...

that's a nice version of the song.
Did you sing it along with the music?

Chillin is good.

My favorite line is:
Windin' down the brainwaves

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Is that the same as Central Time?

Fragrant Liar said...

Sounds like Tulsa Time is kinda like Miller time. Crack one open for me, will ya?

Unknown said...

you just full out soothed my soul .

Claudya Martinez said...


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

gifted poem!

Julie said...

Do you hear me applauding? I'm whistling, too! I LOVE IT!! My mother always tells me that I live on Tulsa Time. I'm always late for everything:)

I love it all, but this stanza really leaped out at me:

"Don't need a clock
Time doesn't rule
The inner schedule calm".

I also love "easin' into the day." But it is all completely awesome.

The picture rocks, too. I love the old fashioned look. I just noticed that it's a chocolate bar! Dark velvet chocolate. Yeah! Now that's living!