
September 20, 2010

A Hug And Kiss Can Be Sensual

A gentle kiss
Soft warm breath
Lips curving, a smile

Hands slowly moving
Almost a tickle of delight
Goose bumps of pleasure

Eyes burning with longing
Sighing with patience
Caressing visually

Luxuriating in gladness
Enfolding me in love
Audible intensification


Kulio said...

mmmmmmm! good words!

Opaque said...


Anne H said...

Goodness gracious!

Brian Miller said...

nice write techno...a hug is just as much...just to be drawn close and hear the heart of another..

secret agent woman said...

Very, very true.

Anonymous said...

yes indeed :)

tulpen said...

Oh yes. yummy.

Lori said...

Oh so true and written so beautifully. :) Hope you have a marvelous Monday! XX

DJan said...

I hear you, TB. I love to hug and kiss my guy. I know those goose bumps very well!

Hilary said...

Now that's lovely. Sigh!

TALON said...

Beautiful, TechnoBabe. There is so much that can be expressed without words...gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

those words really arouse the senses! ;-)

Anonymous said...

TB...Could you email me at I have something that I'd like to ask you.

Kristina P. said...

Too bad my husband isn't here!

Cindy said...

Very well written, very nice,take care.

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

I thought I'd accidentally logged onto a adult website for a minute there. And I guess I did. Congratulations! ;-)

Eddie Bluelights said...

Great poem, Techno.
Yes, I remember it well LOL
Had to dig deep in my memory banks LOL.

Stickup Artist said...

A hug and a kiss can change your whole day, your whole outlook and mood. Just like you said, it radiates throughout your entire being with "audible intensification" much more than words could ever do.

Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

Yes yes! :)

Unknown said...

Kiss kiss kiss :) I need some lovin too, in an hour time :P

Dave King said...

Phew! Had me going for a moment there!

Eileen said...

Pretty post!
And I read back on others, very touching, very deep. Some made me smile, and some made my heart ache.

I almost couldn't comment because I kept getting an error message, but I tried one last time and Eureka! Success!
And I was able to get here through your profile page via the comment you left on my blog. I'm STILL having trouble with my blog, it let me upload pictures, I published, it told me I published successfully, but NO, nothing.
I'll try again later today but I'm getting a defeatist attitude now.

So nice to be able to visit here again, I love the way you write. It always touches a chord.

Oh, and I like "Sixty Percent Perfect"! That would be my vote!
All the best,
PS ~ Thanks for visiting with me!

Shrinky said...

Ooooh, yes! Goosebumps up the spine.. lovely!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Very romantic and Hot

African Refugees said...

Beautiful! Absolutely delightful, Technobabe!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I better go get my hubby away from his computer!

gayle said...

Just what I love!!

Syd said...

Nice. I think that kisses and holding hands are really sensual.