
September 02, 2010


Every day is special
We make it that way

The joy of seeing you smile
Our morning hugs and coffee

Playing games at the table
Sharing cooking duties

Knowing we can count on each other
Committed till death do us part

Our five year anniversary
One precious day at a time


LL Cool Joe said...

Congratulations!! Once you've been together for 24 years you may find you write something slightly different! :D

Opaque said...

Hey, congratulations!!!

Rock Chef said...


Keep up with the morning hugs - very important!

Brian Miller said...

happy anniversary...the key word, together...everything is better together...congrats!

CiCi said...

LL Cool Joe, Thanks. We hope we have at least 24 years together but at our age we just know we are blessed each day together.

Opaque, We appreciate your caring and supportive words all the time.

Rock Chef, Thank you. Yep, we love our morning hugs and the cool thing is we hug often as we pass each other throughout the day.

Brian, I never in my life liked waking up to a new day like I do with hubby. Thanks for the good wishes.

Jeni said...

Five years together is a good step in the right direction -with the emphasis being on togetherness, I think it definitely increases the odds of having many, many more days-months-years -together!

DJan said...

Congratulations to you both, TB. Smart Guy and I met and married late in life, and it's been the best relationship I have ever had. I remember when it had been five years for us, too. Now we are heading towards twenty.

Lori said...

This post makes me so happy. Happy Anniversary to you and yours. I know that the 2 of you together will make every day special for years to come. I think it's awesome! Thanks for blessing me with your words today. :) XX

ellen abbott said...

Happy Anniversary. We had our 34th last month.

TALON said...

Congratulations! What a joy to read the pure pleasure you have together. Beautiful! Here's to many many many more happy years together.

Jeanie said...

Beautiful tribute to your 5 years together. Best wishes for many more to come.

Anne H said...

Here's to many, many more years of happy times for you and yours.

Syd said...

Congratulations to both of you. It is awesome to share a life together. We have been doing that one day at time for 34 years!

CiCi said...

Jeni, Thanks. We are together so much and I never would have thought I would like being around one person like this every day!

DJan, you give me hope for us being able to celebrate twenty years together. Anyway, however long we get to be together, every day is great. I know you understand too.

Lori, it is a miracle that I am fully in the moment living each day in a happy and loving marriage.

ellen, I remember when you had your 34th anniversary! People like you with so many years are awesome.

Talon, you are such an insightful person. I am so glad you really get the joy I try to describe.

Jeanie, Thank you for your uplifting comment.

anne, you betcha! Thanks.

Syd, you are someone who had lived through some hard times too and have grown into a better person and a better spouse. Your 34 years together are inspiring to the rest of us.

Kristina P. said...

Yay! Happy anniversary!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

All the best to you and may the days continue!

Cheryl said...

What a lovely post! May you and hubby have many, many more years together.

Julie said...

Congratulations! Your words are awesome and what it's all about. Shared cooking duties? Keep him!!

Wishing you many more years of continued happiness.

Unknown said...

Every day is special.
Happy Anniversary.

Bill Lisleman said...


I know you've heard this before but it's worth repeating.
It's not the quantity of time but the quality. A few minutes of bliss is worth more than days of sadness.

CiCi said...

Kristina P, Thanks for your good wishes.

KleinsteMotte, I appreciate your nice comment.

Cheryl, sincere thanks.

Julie, glad to hear from you.

Life With Kaishon, Yes, special indeed.

lisleman, Funny you mention that, quality time is my love language.

Liz Mays said...

Yay! Happy Anniversary you two!

Kulio said...

You do make it that way!

I am glad you have someone to be together with :-)


Gappy said...

Happy Anniversary to both of you. Enjoy, you deserve it. x

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Congrats on 25 years...what a great relationship...My first is this Sunday

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I added a 2 in front of the 5...oopsy

Hilary said...

Oh congrats. Every day you have with someone you love is a joy. I'm happy for you. :)

CiCi said...

blueviolet, Many thanks!

Kulio, This is a first for me to have a relationship like this.

Gappy, Thank you very much. You deserve it too and I hope for so much for you.

deb, I appreciate your comment.

Vinny, We wish you many many more too.

Hilary, Indeed each day is special.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

OH MY! Congratulations! Gosh, celebrate good times, oh yeah!

Eddie Bluelights said...

Congratulations to you both. Hug to you and handshake to James.
We have been married for 37 years - must have done something right! LOL

Casey Freeland said...

Ah, that's great TB, congratulations! 5 down, 50 to go. :)

Cheers to the both of you,


Anonymous said...

Congrats....sounds like you've got that marriage thing down pat!

CiCi said...

Gary, Thanks. It is fun to celebrate good times.

Casey, Yep. As many as we squeeze into what is left in this life.

Jillsy, Maybe not down pat, but surely it's real and worth it.

Unknown said...

cooking with your love.... I love doing that too :)

Marla said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Love this lovely love letter.

Maude Lynn said...

Happy Anniversary!

secret agent woman said...

Happy Anniversary. But I'm totally distracted by the little sparklies.

Maggie May said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Nothing like togetherness.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Karen Mello Burton said...

Great cause for celebration. Great for you!

Cricket said...

Hey... congratulations. Marriage is a wonderful thing.

Ms Hen's said...

Happy 5 years.. two anniversaries for you in 1 week..this and your blogging one. :)

Claudya Martinez said...

Congratulations to you both!

Lola Sharp said...

Being in love with and loved by a good man is a healing salve beyond any other. Morning hugs are the best. :)

In contrast to your first commenter, I've been married to my husband for 15 years, and he still makes my coffee and breakfast every morning, still tells me I'm beautiful every day with his words and his eyes, we still tell each other we love each other verbally and with our actions many times/day. Best of all he still makes me laugh many times a day...and I make him laugh every day.
If after 24 years it makes me 'write something slightly different', it will only be how much more I adore him and appreciate the gift he is to me. :)

Congrats on the years you've had, on wishes to have many more. :)

I hope y'all are having a wonderful holiday weekend together.
