
November 13, 2010

Appliance Obits

The week we were moving the washing machine died. We were able to get a really nice newer used washer delivered and the old washer hauled away the day before we moved.

We have used the new washer with much satisfaction which has pointed out how costly the old dryer is now. It is a 3/4 size dryer and doesn't dry thoroughly with one cycle. We have to run the dryer two times to get clothes dry. Hmmm. So this week we will look for a better dryer.

The picture of the 1955 refrigerator was found on Google. The refrigerator supplied to us in the new little hippie house was cute to look at, made me want to get out the old jello recipes, but not very efficient at all. One door and a teensy little freezer compartment inside that was so full of ice we had half of the space to use because the ice took up the other half. And the tray beneath the little teensy freezer was so packed solid with ice that the ice cube trays the previous tenant had there would not budge. So I used a wooden spoon to try to get the ice cube trays out and threw them in the trash. The refrigerator must be as old as I am. Never in my adult life have I had a frig with only one door; the freezer was either on top or bottom but always had its own door. A whole frozen pizza wouldn't even fit into this little teensy freezer compartment.

While I was working away with the long wooden spoon, hubby decided I must have been enjoying my noise making way too much as he appeared by my side with a small hammer. He lightly tapped some of the solid ice inside the teensy freezer and wow, it did break up the ice so much faster. So then I used hammer and he got a screwdriver and then we were both having a great time chunking and clinking and making trips to the sink with huge chunks of ice. But all of a sudden there was huge hisssssss and stuff was blowing out of the bottom of the little teensy freezer. OMG we ruined the freezer.
The little cute only one door refrigerator was hissing all the freon out and we looked at each other and decided we had to get a different frig as soon as possible. We each got on our computers and looked around online. Being a Sunday the used appliance places were not open. Of course nothing was open in our new little town and we were not sure the appliance store listed in this little town was even still active. So we hopped in the car and drove to the next town which in comparison is big city. We found a Sears store open and bought a new refrigerator, an energy efficient one. Lucky for us they were willing to work us into their delivery schedule and will bring the new frig and set it up tonight. A brand new refrigerator with a top freezer with its own door. I am blessed I tell you, blessed. Next time the large pizzas with thin crust are on sale I will get several. Now I have plenty of room. Amen.


Cindy said...

It is crazy how things work out. I think a new freezer is a great investment. Maybe that is what I need to do...get out the hammer and the screwdriver. lol. you made me smile, I could just see the two of you working together. enjoy. said...

You don't appreciate what you have until you don't have it do you? Now go through the house trashing things that you don't appreciate. It'll do you the world of good. Enjoy the new hippy house.

LL Cool Joe said...

What would we do without our electrical appliances? ;)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Dave King said...

High Tech', low tech', difficult to know which is the lesser hassle.

Anne H said...

"They don't make 'em like that any more"
And maybe for good reason!
Looks like you are getting along just fine!

Brian Miller said...

smiles. i have chiseled out a refirdgerator in my day...glad you got your new one and hope you enjoy....

Eileen said...

Oh, we had a refrigerator like that once! We were living in Minnesota at the time, we had moved into the home my Dad grew up in, and my grandparents still had their old stove from the thirties (oven with stove top on the side, and it sat up on high legs, and it was a dusty beige/pink!), and an old refrigerator just as you described! Our in-laws came to visit and felt sorry for us and they bought us a new refrigerator! We moved the old one to the basement and I am still sorry today that we did not move that old fridge and stove/oven back with us to New York!

Lots of luck with all your new appliances and happy hunting for the dryer!
All the best,
PS ~ I would LOVE energy efficient appliances that look vintage!

TALON said...

Oh, you'll love it! Awesome that you'll have it today.

You write so well that I could hear the ice clinking and chinking as you tossed it into the sink - ice chips flying every which way. Sounds like it was fun while it lasted :)

Hilary said...

I know that hissing sound very well. A few years back, when trimming some overgrowth in my back yard, Frank snipped the little hose along with a twig and cut into the freon for my central air conditioner. The back yard filled with mist.. very, very cold mist.

Enjoy the new fridge. Though highly impractical, I sure do like the look of those old turquoise ones. Maybe as a cabinet...

Jeanie said...

I remember those old one door refrigerators, but haven't seen one for a while. I'm glad it worked out in a way that will work better for you.

DJan said...

Well, you couldn't have done better if you had intended to do it! And a new pristine fridge is, to my mind, a really wonderful thing to have. Energy efficient, too! I had a one-door refrigerator in my old apartment, with a freezer you couldn't really do anything with, so I never used it. Now I have a two-door and it's so much better! Making progress in your lovely little home, bit by bit, it seems.

Lori said...

I have a fridge just like this in my basement right now. :) I remember when I was young and living in this house apartment and I had a fridge just like this with the little tiny freezer compartment. I was chisseling away with a hammer and screwdriver when all of a sudden I heard a hissing sound and pretty soon this horrible smell started to fill the kitchen. I almost passed't realize that it had this stuff called freon in it and it is toxic. The landlord was not upset as he knew he needed to get a new fridge at some point and he found it all quite amusing, while I did not. :)

Happy weekend to you and yours. Here's to new appliances that make our lives much easier. XX

Clippy Mat said...

New Fridges are the best.
Old Fridges are bad.
Life will be so much easier when you don't have to take a hammer to the ice. Enjoy. :-)

Ina in Alaska said...

.... and you still need a dryer! Till then, smaller loads in the dryer....

When my dryer and washer needed attention a few months ago I thought I would have to bite the financial bullet and buy a new set but both are thankfully ok. I too love to scour for the newer used ones. Most of the time people are moving out of state and cannot take their appliances. Works out great, that is how I got my dryer. Young married couples they always buy everything with the bells and whistles, then when they move they have to unload their great stuff.

Anyway, enjoy your new fridge and washer. How bout that jello! xoxo

Stickup Artist said...

Almost a year before I moved my old fridge died. I only had space for a small one then and knew I would be moving eventually and probably would have space for a big one, so I went without a fridge for almost a whole year! I lost a lot of weight and took a long walk every day to purchase just what I needed for that day. Now I have a big beautiful fridge and it seems like a blessing but sometimes I miss those daily walks. Glad it all worked out so well for you!

Kulio said...

Ha! I love that story. Isn't it cool how much more we appreciate a regular old refrigerator once you've had to deal with an ancient one? Lots of ways to make us more grateful than we normally would have been. I like it.

gayle said...

I had a fridge just like that one only mine was olive green:). When we moved into our first home we didn't have the money to buy one so my husbands parents had a old old one that they weren't using. My husband sprayed it olive green and the little fridge worked like a charm but oh so small!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

AMEN alright, I mean, where do you keep your ice cream otherwise? :)

Debbie said...

I hate it when appliances break down or die. Oh sure, I like a new one but it is such a hassle and I am always afraid I'm making a bad purchase.

Robert the Skeptic said...

yeah, you can accidentally puncture the freon tubes when you try to dig out the ice on those old fridges.

In our state we have an energy credit for purchasing energy efficient appliances. Pretty cool as it results in additional savings. Fridges are one of the bigger energy hogs in household electricity. Buying a new fridge actually saves you money in the long run.

Jason, as himself said...

Appliances are so much better nowadays!

Liz Mays said...

I've never heard of that kind either, and I can't believe how you're just casting old appliances off willy nilly over there!!! LOL

Shrinky said...

Note to self: Go easy with the hammer and chisel when de-frosting the freezer (do you also plug in the hairdrier to speed things up? Hubby always goes spare when he catches me doing that, nervous lad that he is!)

King of New York Hacks said...

It seems like a hammer could fix anything from prior generations, but now a hammer will destroy most of what we use...darn, and I like hammering things, very therapeutic ! ;)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Yay for frozen pizzas!!

Appliances are so expensive, but we just can't live without them.

Joanna Jenkins said...

What a story! I remember having to defrost my freezer back in the day (not fun) but I can't remember if it had one door or two. Times sure have changed.

So glad you now have a shiny new model for your new home. xo jj

Unknown said...

I am sooooo excited for you!! Seriously so excited. I do love that color of the old fashioned one though.

Sabi Sunshine said...

machines can give you hard time and sometimes it's better to replace it instead fixing it... here comes the technology again..!

Have a wonderful Week!

Sabi Sunshine

beth said... and appliance's lately....hmmmm, not the best relationship.

you might to start sweet talking to your stove and even your hair dryer....sensitive little things aren't they?

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Ah the wonders of appliances...glad it all worked out in the end!

Anonymous said...

My mom hates washing machines. lol She washes by hand? x/

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

I did the same thing to a fridge that did not have frost free tech. Should have just unplugged it and let the ice melt but I was too impatient.

Bill Lisleman said...

hmmm, I'm a little suspicious - did you take a few good shots near the coils hoping you could replace the thing?
Well I guess you took it out of its misery (and yours too).

Far Side of Fifty said...

One appliance at a time! Congrats on your mooove..I bet it was tiring..but I hope you are all settled in by now and looks like a great place..front porch and all:)

Jinksy said...

I use a steamer to defrost my freezer quickly - works like a dream! Long may your new one work happily!

Cheryl Kohan said...

Very cool (get it?)! I kinda envy you in your hippy house. Mine is pretty little, too, and it took me awhile to get used to it but now I love it. Smaller is definitely better.

Syd said...

I'm glad. I haven't seen an old refrigerator like that one since I was a kid. It is a retro house for sure.

Unknown said...

When you tell of the work with spoon and hammer, it reminded me of my ex wife's fridge. Everyweek I had to defrost the icy thing (the fridge, but the wife was almost the same) and threw the chunks of ice into the afternoon sun outside.

Marla said...

Congrats on the new fridge. I love the old ones but they are more about nostalgia than reality.