
November 04, 2010

How Well Do You Get Along

You know you are truly blessed when the two of you get through a move to a new house and the experience is a good one.

In the past, major changes were not so smooth for me. And then I married James. Life changed drastically. To have someone who works with me as a partner and how much we accomplish astounds me.

The day we drove to the new place to meet the owner for the second time I packed the car with small things to leave there. I filled every available space in the trunk and also the back seat. Boxes across the back seat and smaller items on the floor and finally all my jackets and coats across the top of the boxes.

After concluding our business with the landlord, hubby and I opened the trunk and back doors of the car and began carrying loads, some into the garage and some into the house.

In a few minutes we were done. Finished. I was amazed at how much got done so quickly. I realized that it was because I am married to a man who works well with me. He has the capacity to put forth effort to get a job done. While I hung our tennis racquets in the garage, hubby refilled a box and had the trunk emptied. He works quickly and efficiently.

Like I said, how well we get along during a major change to a new house says so much.

Graphic found on Google.


Shadow said...

moving house sure is a test of relationships. glad yours was a smooth one. i wonder how mine would go... *grin*

Anne H said...

It is amazing how a good team in business, and/or in life- can make such a difference!

Brian Miller said...

nice...i like to hear positive stories about spouses...and i am excited b/c that is cool...hope your settling in to teh new home continues to go well....

Clippy Mat said...

Great teamwork. That's what it's all about. Good for you. :-)

savannah said...

good for you guys! it's the small, everyday things that strengthen a marriage and help a couple weather the big ones. all the best in the new place. xoxo

Unknown said...

I'm so happy for you. And you are so right.

DJan said...

We do all right, but it's only because my guy likes everything to be moved into a central area and then slowly move things to their rightful place, and I go along with it. Our first move together was awful, so I just backed off and let him do it his way, now it's actually pretty easy. Glad your move has gone smoothly.

Jeanie said...

It sounds like the teamwork and cooperation the two of you share made a hard job go very smoothly.
Kudos to both of you.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

wonder what today's special is at the bowling alley :)
You and james are the BEST!

beth said...

you are i are lucky that hubby too is one who finishes my sentences, knows what i'm thinking and with all of our moves has been the backbone to keep it all standing up straight....

we even built one of our houses and didn't fight that's a miracle these days.

Lori said...

I think that is awesome that you work so well together. I know exactly how you feel and how much you appreciate having someone like this. I too, have someone like this in my life. My husband and I work very well together too...whether it's a big project or cooking in the kitchen.

Glad this move has went so well! XX

ellen abbott said...

For us it wasn't the actual moving that was stressful (but then we did it one piece of furniture, one box at a time over a period of a year and a half), it was the decision to move. Each of us thought the other was going to back out until the papers were signed and the checks handed over. that and the pulling up of roots that had grown for over 30 years.

Rock Chef said...

Do you know what song you two make me think of:

Our House by Crosby, Stills and Nash:

Our house is a very, very fine house
With two cats in the yard
Life used to be so hard
Now everything is easy
'Cause of you

janet copenhaver said...

If you work well together doing a move he's a keeper:)

Cricket said...

Marriage is grand when it works. My darling dear and I have our moments (both types), but I know what you mean. If that "seamless" thing happens enough, it gets you through those other times.

To marriage and new beginnings (clink).

Four Is A Neff said...

I wish we could move and leave the ghost mouse but,.. not yet! I agree with you! After the layoff and move it was very telling of where we would go from there,... <3 Hvae a beautiful weekend

Stickup Artist said...

That's just awesome. And I'm sure you've noticed that when you are in a loving relationship, there so much less stress and strain so you have much more energy! This is a refreshingly positive place to visit!

TALON said...

A truly great partnership is a joy. I'm so glad you're settled in, TechnoBabe!

Anonymous said...

I, too, am lucky to have a hubby who helps me (or maybe it's more like I help him)!

Kristina P. said...

I wonder how many swear words it would take us. :)

Unknown said...

This is wonderful. Moving is very stressful for me. I do not do it with ease. I am glad you had a partner that made the load lighter.

Claudya Martinez said...

It just reinforces what you already knew.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

See...that is what I found with needs my last relationship it was a chore..something I hated..Now, it is an adventure where we both take our spots and get it down in two hours or so...

We need to get in the car and the past...a an adventure.

Love and a true partner make things so much better

Opaque said...

I am glad it is going on smoothly!

Fragrant Liar said...

You are one lucky woman, and he is one lucky man. Does it get better than that? Don't think so.

Happy house warming now, right?

Hilary said...

So wonderful to have such an experience. Moving can be so stressful and it's nice to know that you two endure that so well.

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

I think the olde word for this is "helpmate." It's a good word, if a bit outdated.

gayle said...

It's always nice when we can work well together!! Glad your move went so smoothly!!

Bernie said...

When two share the work it makes the load so much lighter. I am so happy for you, enjoy your new home....:-) Hugs

Unknown said...

:) it is a bliss to have someone who works well with us. I should know this, I am a teacher after all.

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

Glad to hear it went so smoothly.

Syd said...

That is good. When you can work together, you know that it is a good relationship.

Karen Mello Burton said...

It is all about the teamwork. Every single minute of it.

Eileen said...

Feels great to have a partner like that, right?!
Without a doubt, any major project we would accomplish would go smoothly ONLY because of my husband! He is so laid back and easy-going! A very nice balance to his high-strung, emotional wife!

Enjoy your new home!
All the best,

Ojibwe Confessions said...

Bragging eh? :) It's great to have someone that is on your side. I also can say I have a friend that is my buddy, my chum, my good side. That is what makes it work. I am the lazy one and she is the hard working one, and we are a team.

Sabi Sunshine said...

yes indeed we do need to know how weel do you get along...specially with your spouse.. well that was very interesting post and gave me so much to learn from the post.

Sabi Sunshine

Robert the Skeptic said...

We left our lovely home of 19 years and now are divesting ourselves of our emotional attachment to it and trying to find a way to make our new home feel like "home".

Moving has the emotional component of making one feel like you are getting a fresh start, a new perspective. Shedding old things and assessing what has worth and should be brought along. It is good to move occasionally.

Liz Mays said...

I can't believe you did it without bickering. Fabulous!

Maude Lynn said...

It says everything!

Dave King said...

Yes, I guess that's so, though I never did think of it that way before. We've moved six times and had many traumas in the process, but never a one between us. Like you, must be doing something right!

Bill Lisleman said...

what a good report.
The day we moved into this house was the day our youngest daughter was born. I thought it was great to have the freedom to put the stuff anywhere I wanted while mother and daughter spent the day resting in the hospital. Over time things were rearranged many times.

Owen said...

Sounds like you are a lucky gal indeed ! All best wishes for housewarming and getting settled in the new place !

Marla said...

It's awesome being a part of a winning team.

The Absence of Alternatives said...

Congrats on the move and the new house! Congrats on the two of you complementing each other so well!