
December 22, 2010

A Little Christmas Fun

Excitement in the air
Building each night
in the month of December

At last the eve of the holiday
arrives for one and all
Each with their own traditions

Candles in all the windows
Replicating the guiding stars
Bringing peace and joy

There is no deep sleep tonight
Waiting for imaginary sounds
And sugar plums dancing in heads

Wait! What is that sound?
Hooves tromping on the roof
Quiet bells making music

Then a big THUD in the living room
Like a heavy load has been dropped
Must be all the holiday pressure

Candle photo found on Google


Gary's third pottery blog said...

thud in our house is the cat knocking over ornaments :) Merry Christmas you guys!

Dave King said...

That brings back a lot of past Christmases Ah, me!

Have a great Christmas!

CiCi said...

Gary, Merry Christmas to you and your lovely wife too.

Dave, Hope your Christmas is wonderful.

Brian Miller said...

ha. marry christmas techno! i once snuck in to see if santa had come and what i later found to be a punching bag scared me...thinking it was the ghost of i dont check the thuds on christmas any more...

Lori said...

The thud is the sound of my little's or our dog Riley knocking over our if only one of Santa's reindeer would stay here as a gift to little lady as that is all she wants...a real live mommy right. Happy hump day!

Anne H said...

Lovely writing - once again!
TechnoBabe -
Thanks for all the goodies
you share on your blog!
And thanks for a great year
of blog comments and support!
You are that candle in the window -
A little guiding light.
Thank you.
Happy Holidays to you and your Dear Hubby - and all who you love!

DJan said...

What Anne said. It's a lovely poem, and you have been a true friend this past year with comments and visits to my blog home. I wish we could all gather in a room a share a glass of Christmas cheer, so it'll have to come through our virtual home on the Internet.

Maria said...

The atmosphere is perfect in that poem. Well done...

Ina in Alaska said...

HA! I heard that THUD a year ago! Gave up all the running around, stress over what to buy, let it all go. Gave an anonymous gift to a child in need, been thankful, enjoying all the music, chocolates and cookies and simply enjoying this festive season with no pressure or expectation has been so liberating!!! I am enjoying it! Love to you and your Husband in your new Little Hippy Home and Merry Everything! xoxoxo

Kristina P. said...

I'm sure we will have a lot of those memories when we get a dog or a kid. :)

CiCi said...

Brian, Good one, a punching bag.

Lori, we each have a thud experience, don't we?

Anne, thanks.

DJan, we have shared good times and hard times this past year. I will raise my glass of iced tea to you on Christmas day.

gaelikaa, thanks for the nice comment.

Ina, Good for you letting go of the stress of the holidays. I so love that your heart led you to gift someone anonymously. That is unconditional love.

CiCi said...

Kristina, You are making wonderful memories now, you and Adam.

Stickup Artist said...

Loved the punch line! I wish you and James a warm and wonderful pressure free Merry Christmas. All my best to you for the season and beyond.

Kate said...

This is so wonderful!

Eileen said...

That's so true!
LOVE the thud of the pressure dropping!

It all eventually does get done, and we can dump that big sack off our backs!

'Love your poetry!

Have a wonderful Christmas!
Love to you, Eileen

Cheryl said...

Loved it! Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas!

Bill Lisleman said...

Wishin you and yours a Merry Christmas
Thinking of Christmas Eve reminds me of when our youngest daughter uncovered the Santa myth - None of the other kids ever took it so bad.

King of New York Hacks said...

Heard many thuds one night to find a bunch of pigeons and seagulls in the morning. Perhaps more memorable than Santa actually showing now that I remember it. ;) Have an awesome Christmas TechnoB !!

Joanna Jenkins said...

You made me smile-- I've definitely heard that kind of THUD this time of year before. Nice job.
Hope you're 1st Christmas in your new home is happy and bright.
xo jj

CiCi said...

Stickup Artist, Thank you sincerely. I wonder where you will be and what you will see. I look forward to your photos of wherever it is.

Kate, thank you.

Eileen, you know what I'm talking about, right? So darn much pressure.
Hope your Christmas is awesome.

Cheryl, back atcha.

lisleman, that gives me an idea for a post!

Yo King, pigeons and seagulls would be great fun to wake to.

Joanna, we are enjoying this little place better than any previous place. Thanks for the good wishes.

Cricket said...

In my living room, it will be a big KA-BOOM, as Christmas hits full force. Yikes. As of now, I have four "Christmases" down, with three and a half to go.

One is actually a memorial Mass and gathering after - but the relatives are all long-dead. It will be big, and there will be strong overtones of Christmas and gift-giving, thus the "half."

Wishing you and James a wonderful Christmas in your new pad, and every blessing in the year to come.

Karen Mello Burton said...

A thud from Santa is a great sound!

I hope you have a great holiday and that you are able to count all of your blessings. I am working on getting better at that.

Big Dave T said...

No, the big THUD yesterday were the carpet installers dropping a roll of carpet on our upstairs landing. Shook the whole house. But at least it's finally in.

Hilary said...

Your THUD made me laugh. Wishing you and yours a beautiful Christmas, TB. Hugs to you.

Julie said...

Haha! I love it. You gave me a good laugh tonight, Technobabe. I had a feeling you would!

Merry Christmas to you and your husband. I wish you many moments of joy in the coming year.

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

Love the ending. So true.

Merry Christmas to you!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Way too much hoopla and commercialism for me..I would prefer a Christmas from 100 years ago. I do wish you a Merry Christmas:)

Ms Scarlet said...

Merry Christmas, Techybabes!!!!

beth said...

i know that sound.....THUD !!!
merry christmas to you and your loved ones....may it be magical and full of memories.....

Sniffles and Smiles said...

ROFL... Love it!!! You are so witty!!! Merry Christmas, dear Technobabe!! Just wanted to send you love and best wishes on this Christmas eve!! ~Janine xo

Anonymous said...

Wonderful poem - holiday pressure can get very heavy!! Merry Christmas! Thanks for stopping by Long Hollow!

The Absence of Alternatives said...

The big load and the holiday pressure conjured up a nice image for me. ;-)

Syd said...

Ha, I like that--like a heavy load has been dropped. Yes, in a way it has. No pressure now!

Noelle Dunn.... A Poet in Progress said...

this is delightful!

Cheryl Kohan said...

A belated Merry Christmas to you! The poem is so very merry! I'm pretty sure that thud was Santa.