
March 20, 2011

Over 90

I like old people. Not just because I am getting closer to this age. Not because they have been on this earth so long they have seen many changes to tell us about.

I like them because so many of them have great attitudes, positive attitudes, and they are going to enjoy each day they have. And when I say I like old people, they would say they are not old. Cool, huh?


DJan said...

They say age is an attitude. Well, that might be true, but can somebody have a conversation with my lower back? It's been on a rampage lately. :-)

Thanks for this, TB! I really enjoyed it, and also not just because old age is no longer something that other people have.

Jeanie said...

"Ignore how old your are and just have fun". What a great attitude and role model. I have an 80 year old friend who still skis once a week all winter. I love the example she is setting for those of us who are getting a little older every day.

Ina in Alaska said...

Great video. I was amazed that he Pole Vaulted!!! Yikes!

Every Friday I play doubles tennis with a group of women who are in their early 80s. They are very inspiring to me. Over the years of playing with them a few have passed away but the remainder soldier on. They may not be able to run but they have enough tennis experience over a lifetime to place that ball where I am not!

Also one of my all time favorite clients is 93 years old, an old fisherman with a sharp wit and very saucy attitude. I call him my "boyfriend" right in front of his wife. Lovely man!!!

Advanced maturity is indeed only a state of mind!

Marla said...

I LOVE this. This is exactly how I see life and how my mother saw it. A great post, Techno. Thanks!

Andrew said...

Thank you Technobabe! A most inspiring post.

LL Cool Joe said...

I love older people too, they show the rest of us how we should live!

Kristina P. said...

What a great inspiration!

Brian Miller said...

i love to see people like that...age does not become the excuse...they keep right on going....

Fragrant Liar said...

VERY cool! You're as young as you feel, and these "old folks" look young to me!

Hilary said...

So inspiring. If I could have his energy - well right now, let alone at 90.. Thanks for this video TB.

Casey Freeland said...

I just want to make it to 90.



Stickup Artist said...

One time my Mom and I were driving between Anza Borrego and the Salton Sea thru the badlands. A bright red Mustang was behind us right on our tail so I slid over and let them fly by like a rocket. We figured it was a couple of kids. We came to a turn out to take in the view and the red Mustang was parked there too. The driver side door opened up, and to our complete surprise, a little old lady like about 90 stepped out of the car! Then, to top it off, the passenger side door opened and out popped the little old lady's Mom!

Ms. A said...

I would NOT be able to keep up with those people! Thumbs up to 'em!

terri said...

Inspiring! I want to have that kind of attitude if I make it to my 90s!

Bill Lisleman said...

great clip - pole vaulting - I would certainly want really soft cushions even now.
In a recent column, Mary Schmich, wrote "We're all clueless about the age we are until we've passed it." Here's the link,0,6175213.column

Julie said...

WOW! This is the coolest video I have seen in a long time. Thank you so much for sharing it, Technobabe. I will definitely pass your link along to my friends, especially the ones who keep whining about how "old" we're getting.

The common thing all the people in the video share is a positive attitude, and I think that's a big reason as to why they're so active and fit. I know people in their 30's who act old, and it makes them feel (and even look) old.

Awesome post!! It makes me look forward to all the exciting things life will bring in the coming decades.

TALON said...

This was awesome, TechnoBabe.

My Mom will turn 86 this July. She insists she has the heart of a teenager trapped in an old lady's body. :)

You're right - so many elderly people have the most amazing attitude toward life. They don't take a second for granted.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

I have known "old" and "middle aged" people of 32, while one of the youngest people I ever knew lived to be nearly 105, still in full possession of his mind and still full of interest and caring for the world around him.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Awesome video! Thanks for sharing!!

Jilda said...

My mom always said that if she didn't look in the mirror she would think she was twenty-five! (she was in her eighties) I have thought of that often the past few days, I have a birthday Wednesday.....and I do try to pass mirrors without looking in them.

Maude Lynn said...

Very cool!

Anonymous said...

May we all stay so young at heart!

Stickup Artist said...

Hi TechnoBabe, the answer is sure, by all means. I think the resolution will be grainy because I compress my images for web but give it a whirl. Hope it works out and you can enjoy the words and images for many days to come. Thank you for asking, I am extremely flattered.

Rock Chef said...

I would temper this by saying that I like A LOT of old people...

Attila the Mom said...

We like old people too. LOL Leaving tomorrow to spend a few days with grandma. :-)

Eileen said...

I love the "not-so-old" old people too! And when I grow up I want to be just like them!
All the best,

Momma Fargo said...

Old people rock!

About 10 years ago, some girlfriends and I went on a hiking trip to Bomber Mountain and Cloud Peak in Johnson County, Wyoming. At the trailhead, we met three ladies...all over the age of 88 who were doing their annual hiking trip to the peak. We have since that moment been so impressed. We didn't make it that of our hikers got altitude sickness and we had to descend.

Goes to show you how tough people really are... Bravo!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Thanks, I like you too!

African Refugees said...

Lovely post, Technobabe! Blessed are the young in heart, for they shall see happiness.

Joanna Jenkins said...

"Sometimes it pays to forget how old you are." That's my new quote to live by. gotta love thst attitude.

This was a real treat, Techno. Thanks. xo jj

Liz Mays said...

Aren't they the best? I LOVE hearing their stories!!

Dianne said...

this is wonderful!!
congrats on POTW

Marion Williams-Bennett said...

I love old people for the same reasons! Sharing stories with older people puts life gives life in such a wonderful perspective; emphasizes what's important.

Frank Baron said...

Very inspiring! (And a little daunting.)

secret agent woman said...

I like old people who have a good attitude about life. In my business, I know that's not always the case. But I guess, more to the point, I like people of any age who have a great attitude about life.

Sueann said...

I believe that is all in the attitude!! I say make it a good're the only one that can make that difference in life...!!!
Congrats on your POTW

Cheryl Kohan said...

Well, my friend, you have just made my day! That video was just delightful and this is an awesome post! Thanks...and congratulations on your POTW honor. A perfect choice.

Karen Mello Burton said...

We live in a neighborhood built during WW2 and have many original homeowners still here. I just brought g'day balloons to my bestow who turned 96 today.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Back to say congratulations on your POTW from Hilary!
Yeah you!
xo jj

Syd said...

I grew up around a lot of older people. I loved my grandmother. I have a lot of respect for older people and treat them with compassion. I am learning as I get older that the young spirit is still within.

Mrs4444 said...

Totally cool. She's amazing!