
February 26, 2011

Panegyric To A Ladybug

Rolly polly spotted
Cute little bug
Adorable creature
I just want to hug

Balancing on my glasses
You're a circus clown
Flying in the air
Walking upside down

You're really an insect
Eating aphids left and right
A short life span for you
Small yes, but so much might

Please return to the garden
To do the work you do best
Interesting that you are a bug
But never thought of as a pest

I wrote this as an apology to a ladybug who was following me around the house and then landed on my reading glasses. I saw a big dot on the glasses so I looked in the mirror and saw the ladybug. Oh, so cute. After awhile I didn't see it so I reached up with my right hand to remove my glasses, the ladybug squirmed and startled me and I dropped my glasses on the floor from a standing position. Oops. The glasses are fine though.


Shadow said...

aaaw, ladybugs are the only bugs i love...

DJan said...

Cute! I had to look up the word "panegyric" and added it to my vocabulary. Very fun little poem, TB.

Brian Miller said...

ok they are cute...but they invade my house every verse techno...and yeah thanks for the new word today...have a great weekend!

Jeanie said...

Ladybugs are the sweethearts of the bug world. Nothing is cuter than watching a tiny little girl watching a ladybug crawl on her hand (until the tears come when it flies away).

Everyday Goddess said...

love it! reminds me of how they intrigued me when I was a kid.

Shrinky said...

You mean you MURDERED the ladybug? Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, shame on you (wink)!!

Cute as your funeral offering verse may be, go get thee to her orphans and make restitution!

Kristina P. said...

You are so funny! Love the ode to the ladybug.

Cricket said...

I love ladybugs. A small group always spent the winter in the corner of my childhood room. I forbade my mother to remove them. She went along. One day, they would be gone.

I later Read an article about that which said, in part, that those ladybugs are quiet guests who do not eat, or breed, or do much of anything else for that matter during their stays.

I felt vindicated.

There were ladybugs in the retreatant's chapel this week also. I was happy to see them.

And, ironically, on my last day, resting on the window, I saw a cricket.

Bill Lisleman said...

startled by a ladybug - I guess if you are surprised by some unknown thing it can happen.
Thanks for my new vocabulary word.

TALON said...

I loved your poem, TechnoBabe. They are such neat creatures and so helpful in the garden. And I'm sorry for your recent ladybug loss...and I'm sure she forgives you. :)

Casey Freeland said...

Your perception of time will last forever if you continue to concentrate on the little wonders of this world. Great poem.



gayle said...

Cute poem! Use to love ladybugs intil the started moving in with me every October and bringing all theire relatives and friends.

Claudya Martinez said...

It's true that lady bugs seem to inspire more love than any other kind of bug. I adore them and I do not adore any other kind of bug.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

OH :) such friendly and cute bugs !

Bernie said...

I just bought my niece ladybug earrings and bracelet, it is such a cute the ladybug look .....:-) Hugs

Hilary said...

Very cute, TB. Ladybugs, butterflies and dragonflies all seem to be magical to me.

Karen Mello Burton said...

What a sweet poem. I'll bet you are much nicer to bugs than I am. I only take vengeance when they come into my house. Never outside. Honest.

African Refugees said...

What a lovely poem, Technobabe! The last stanza takes the cake, so to speak.

A pleasure to read!!

Murr Brewster said...

I always thought ladybugs were pretty adorable, but I was unaware they invade houses in squadrons, thick as wallpaper. The cute slides right off them after a while. Still, little beetles, carry on.

Mrs4444 said...

I guess it's kind of like life; if you're cute, people see you differently. It's not fair, really, but it's good for ladybugs!haha

terri said...

Aww, poor ladybug! Those are the only bugs I'm willing to touch and don't instantly try to figure out how to kill the minute I see them.

Anonymous said...

yes, they are bugs but not pests!

Joanna Jenkins said...

I love ladybugs but if one landed on my glasses it would make me a little nervous :-)
Cheers, jj

heartinsanfrancisco said...

How is the ladybug? Very cute poem!

secret agent woman said...

I never mind a lady bug following me around. Even a bumble bee hovering nearby as I work in the garden.

Kathy M. said...

Nice poem! I'm reminded of the time, in New Hampshire, when hundreds of ladybugs somehow ended up inside my house, coating a large picture window. I have to tell you, I thought of them as pests that day. And in those numbers, they don't smell good either! I didn't want to kill them, so my daughter and I literally swept them up by the dustpan full and flung them outside.

Syd said...

I have heard that having a lady bug land on you is good luck. Wishing you a lot of that TB.

Marla said...

This made me smile Techno. Loved it.

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

Murderer! :D

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

I love lady bugs, by the way. Most bugs kind of repulse me, but lady bugs are great. We have lots of them here in Colorado. They breed here in the mountains.