
April 07, 2011

Dare To Dream

Reach for what you want
Work to achieve it
It's not going to be handed to you


LL Cool Joe said...

First I need to work out what I want...

Andrew said...

I had a dream of health and energy. I have done what I can and it is now becoming a reality.

You know the truth in these things TB.

Ms. A said...

Amen! I've rarely had anything handed to me.

Ms Scarlet said...

And a bit of gritty determination can go a long way too...

Rock Chef said...

Right now life is very good. A new guitar would be nice, but...

CiCi said...

LL Cool Joe, I was like that most of my life, had no idea what I wanted.

Andrew, Yes, I know. Good for you to work for it and not give up.

Ms.A, The things I appreciate are what I had to work for myself. You too, huh.

Scarlet, gritty determination is a great way to say it.

Rock Chef, I am so glad you are in that place, you have gone through some tough times in the past and you and Mrs RC deserve a break.

Brian Miller said...

no it wont...

chase those dreams though....

Liz Mays said...

That's the truth! Life's not quite that easy.

DJan said...

Sometimes, like LL Cool said, you have to figure out what you want first. Sometimes I start my thinking about what I DON'T want, then go from there. Love that picture, TB.

Cindy said...

Hi TB, may we all figure it out. hope you are both well. hugs.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Great tip! And you are so right.

TALON said...

Wise advice, TechnoBabe.

Pseudo said...

I'm a working at it ; -) An unbloggable 18 months has thrown me off course, but I have enlisted help and hope to find my way back my path.

Cricket said...

... unless your name is "Bush."

Sorry, I couldn't resist. ;-)

Suldog said...

Truer words were never spoken.

nanonano999 said...

Great advice, TechnoBabe.
I must admit I've worked hard to get all that I've gotten from life!
Life is good!

Margie (on hubby's computer again today)

Eileen said...

Working on things right now. Funny how just a little progress feels so good!
All the best,

Stickup Artist said...

Amen to that! It is equally true of what you want to achieve as well as what you want to have. Anything worth having or doing takes a lot of time, effort, focus, and faith. I think too many of us today operate under the myth that if you aren't successful overnight, you are a failure, when in reality, it takes sooo much longer than that!

Anne H said...

Dream again, too!
If we dare!

Hilary said...

True.. and timely for me.

Robynn's Ravings said...

Hand-outs rarely work but the occasional hand-up can make all the difference. Having someone believe you can (like my dear husband has done for me these LOOONNNNGGGGG months) has made me believe, too. Love the photo. Very cool. And....hello. Don't know when I'll be back because to be here at all is a real treat. Nice to "see" you. :)

Gary's third pottery blog said...

rock ON girl :)

Joanna Jenkins said...

Amen to that, Techno!

Have a great weekend, jj

Debbie said...

And we are better for the effort!

terri said...

Great advice, no matter how old you are.

secret agent woman said...

That's for sure.

Maggie May said...

Yes....... very good advice.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Momma Fargo said...

Most awesomist words of wisdom.

Syd said...

I like living those dreams.

beth said...

i need these words in big black letter and written on my wall !!!

thank you !