One of our special treats is Angel Food Cake with fresh fruit on it. My favorite is strawberries but we will put other fruit on it and be happy. No whipped cream or sauces on top. Just cake and fruit.
We have been buying a loaf Angel Food Cake at our little store. One day a box Angel Food Cake found its way into our grocery cart. After looking through about fifty different recipes to make Angel Food Cake from scratch, I decided I didn't have a strong desire for homemade cake. A box mix sounds totally acceptable.
Having never made an Angel Food Cake, I learned to make do with the equipment I had on hand. The instructions were Do Not use plastic bowl (that is all we have here; we are both clumsy and tend to break things more than the average person), so I used our larger pan. It almost was not large enough.
Following the directions to the letter, something new for me, when the mix was ready to bake I realized I did not have a pan large enough so I used the bottom broiler pan. Even at that, the large broiler pan was just barely large enough for all the mix.
When it looked done, ten minutes longer than what the directions called for, I removed the pan from the oven and turned it upside down as per instructions.
The Angel Food Cake was just as good as the one we have been buying at the store. Hubby thinks I am a wonder and I will let him think that. He is giving the thumbs-up to the cake just out of the oven.
I buy already made sour cream angel food cake, all the time. We love it!
Is there a gluten free version of making this? :P Or, is it a silly question?
Ms.A, sour cream angel food cake sounds awesome.
Opaque, there is probably a make from scratch recipe. Good luck. Let me know if you find one.
smiles. let him think that.
love angel food and fruit...fruit esp...mmm....
It looks delicious and a good addition to fruit. Around my house there would be a question--where are the chocolate chips? I would probably have to mix them into the batter or pour them on the top.
That is quite a lot of cake for two people! I suppose you should invite me over now... :-)
I am amazed at how often I smell something when I'm reading about it, the cake smelled wonderful to me!
Ah. For me, it's all about the whipped cream... the cake was just a way to get the stuff into my mouth and give it a little more substance for the chewing part.
My Nana, who was hell for cooking, had no problem at all with modern conveniences like boxed mixes. If she approved, I approve.
What the eye don't see the cook gets away with.
My mom used to make strawberry shortcake with angel food cake all the time when I was growing up!
I'm so glad you outdid the store version! My mom used to love to use her fresh fruit in a similar way. I need to do this too. You're making it look so delicious!
Why no plastic bowl, I wonder . . .
This should remind me to eat the strawberries with my cereal in the morning. I often forget there are strawberries and then they get moldy.
Angel food cake is sooo good and yours looks scrumptious, TechnoBabe. I love your ingenuity in using the broiler pan. :) Angel food cake just goes brilliantly with fresh fruit, doesn't it? I like that it needs no further embellishment.
I see homemade strawberry shortcake. Reminds me of when I was a kid and my mother would make that. My vision of angel food cake is of something much taller though.
We are lucky. My Mom is an amazing baker and we always have home made from scratch deserts floating around our households. Just this week she made crepes filled with fresh organic strawberries. I love summer and all the fresh fruits! In all the time my Mom has been baking, I've never seen or heard of a no plastic bowl rule...
mmm mmm good!
I like it! Thank you for sharing.
Oh that looks so yummy!
Nice--angel food cake and strawberries. Yum!
That looks very yummy. We rarely bake in the summer. It gets too hot.
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