
June 28, 2010

Embarrassing Moment

I have admitted recently that I have a thing about potty talk. Well, things to do with the act really. Or the room it is usually done in.

LYNN at For Love Or Funny is sponsoring an interesting contest. Post an embarrassing moment on your blog, link to her blog. She even has prizes. Well, that did it, I can remember so many embarrassing moments in my life.

There were three of us in the car; my then husband, my three year old grandson, and me.
We were driving up to my other daughter's house and taking the grandson so he could play with his cousins for the weekend. This meant a ride from San Diego to north of Los Angeles which usually took three and a half hours. This particular time though, traffic was crawling. My bladder can only remain calm in three hour increments.

We were somewhere in Los Angeles on a freeway that we didn't usually drive on, so we did not know our way around in that area. It became increasingly more uncomfortable for me so that I needed to exit the freeway which in itself took another half hour. The first place with an entry was where we went. I grabbed tissues and jumped out of the car, careful to step behind my open door so grandson was not peering at me. I was so happy to feel the bladder relief that I sighed and smiled. Just then grandson yelled out his window "Grandma, look at all those people in the window". I turned around and was horrified to see a whole group of people standing at a huge window watching me. They even smiled and waved. The nerve of them! Of course, grandson could not wait to tell the entire family about this incident.


Ms. A said...

That's when relief turns to absolute mortification! How embarrassing. Did you wave back?

Kristina P. said...

Hahaha! Love it! It makes me feel so much better about my life. :)

Gappy said...

Oh that's too funny! I'll bet they dined out on that little anecdote for years.

Ina in Alaska said...

Oh how embarrassing!!! Kids are so observant!!

I also want to say how much I enjoyed the lovely and mystical background music created by your husband that was in the for the birds video. Just magical and perfect for the scene with the birds. Thank you for sharing the lovely and soothing music!! Made me happy. There was an electric harpist, the late Hilary Stagg that his style sort of reminds me of....That second bird was adorable too and he is a big fan of whatever you put on that tray! xoxo

Unknown said...

Usually it was;
"Something to tell the grandchildren..."

"Something the grandchildren tell that was so embarrassingly true."


The Urban Cowboy said...

And to think how many stories your 'relief' provided to other families! On the bright side, you have touched many others with laughter. :)

Anonymous said...

I know I am going to come across someone's blog at some point in the near future who talks about the 'peeing woman'!!!

LOL Love it!

Jana said...

Oh my..something similar happened to me a while back though it was more of a not being able to hold it in any longer…miraculously no one seemed to realized about what had happened! One of the times when I did catch a break!

Liz Mays said...

The only positive thing I can see here is that you didn't find out about it until after. What in the world would you have done if you found out in midstream?

Opaque said...

I second "blueviolet".

Rock Chef said...

Love it! It is amazing how blinkered we get when there are "pressing matters".

Brian Miller said...

haha. wonder how many vacation photo albums you made...smiles. oh my.

Gary's third pottery blog said...


Anne H said...

Funny - but probably not so funny at the time!

Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

OMG!! That reminds me of when My 2 older girls were touring the new catholic school, and my 3 yr old, out of no where grabs her crotch and cries she has to peeeee,.. we were waiting in the car cause the weed ude was out,.. so I got her out of the car by the door,.. I said pretend to sit and pee,.. i pulled down her pants,.. and she wasn't to sure,.. but yeah,... been there,... Great Post! Love ya hope you have a wonderful week,.. oh yeah and I have been thinking about that post about your son who wanted to be a father,.. If I wasn't married I would def be intrested,..esp if you were my inlaw!!! :)

Tess Kincaid said...


Cindy said...

Oh that is funny, I think I would have waved back. It is not likely anyone could recognize take care.

DJan said...

Sometimes it just can't be helped. You gotta go! But it sure is weird to think of all those people staring at you! I also think you should have smiled and waved back.

Jeanie said...

Not to worry, You'll never see those people again anyway. Of course, your grandson will never forget. Oh well. I'm mostly impressed by the fact that you can do those 3 hour increments.

Maude Lynn said...

Oh, that is embarrassing!

Kathy M. said...

Ha Ha! That IS embarrassing. Hard to top that one. This is the kind of contest that is sure to keep my character defects in check. I don't believe I'll have any envy for the winner in this contest.

Eileen said...

Well, at least you could console yourself with, "I'll never see these people again in my life".
But I still feel for you!
I must have a bladder the size of a pea (no pun intended) because I have to relieve myself every twenty minutes if I drink anything! I can't drink a thing if we are going on a long car trip.
And I know well that feeling of 'Blessed Release'!
Who knew that 'going potty' could be one of the nicest feelings in the world!
To heck with the onlookers, so you gave them a good story (along with a good one for your grandson to share)!

Silver Strands said...

HAHAHAHA ... thanks for the laugh!

Cheryl said...

Oh my. Sounds like something that could definitely happen to me! But hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go! Besides you probably never stopped there again!

TALON said...

oh no! lol! The call of nature is not one easily ignored. Sorry, but I'm to giggle all day about this one, TechnoBabe!

Casey Freeland said...

Hahahahahahahahahaha... Hhahahahahahahahahahah

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

That was you????

stinkypaw said...

Too funny... it's ok it's not like they saw your face! ;-)

Ed Pilolla said...

hysterical. i love the art with this piece!

Wandering Coyote said...

Wow. That is one embarrassing story for sure.

This morning, as I went out grocery shopping, I caught on of the contractors (the cute one!) working on our house taking a slash in the yard behind the big trailer they have parked there. He just HAPPENED to look over at me as I was JUST glancing over to see what progress he'd made this morning. I shrieked...When I got home, I said "let's make a deal...I'll leave my door unlocked & you can use the can whenever you want..." Awkward!

LL Cool Joe said...

Oh blimey that's a classic! Love it. You would have thought that the people watching would have been a little more discrete, but hell you weren't so, why would they! :D

Mike said...

When you gotta go, you gotta go!!! LOL

English Rider said...

Which is a great example of why we teach our children that it is rude to stare. Averting ones eyes and pretending something is not happening/invisible is kinder.

Anonymous said...

LOL! The bladder comes first!! hahaa

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Oh. my. gosh. Poor YOU!!! SOOOOO embarrassing!!!

You live in the San Diego area??? I spent my teen years there a chance that we know one another from the distant past?? Wouldn't that be amazing!?

Loved this post...Sounds like you get yourself into as many scrapes as I do! You are definitely a kindred spirit! ~Janine XO

Anonymous said...

HAHA. I just hope the group of people didn't tell anyone about the incident or worse, take pictures.

Robert the Skeptic said...

We just recently had an incident where we were stuck in traffic and I had to go something awful. Nobody actually saw anything but the people next to us stopped on the freeway probably wondered why I emptied out a perfectly good bottle of juice out the window.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Ha! You crack me up. I love your honesty.
And I'm sure your grandson still remembers that story :-)


LadyFi said...

Oh, that's hilarious! Well, it's funny when you look back on it, not when it happens, of course...

-Don said...



Dave King said...

I would, but I try to maintain this reputation for being completely unembarrassable.

Dave King said...

I would, but I try to maintain this reputation for being completely unembarrassable.

secret agent woman said...

Ha ha ha! That would be horrifying for me.

Once when I lived in a basement efficiency apartment, I was sitting on my bed with a towel only around my waist drying my hair when I looked up and saw an old guy walking his dog past my sliding glass door. Watching me with great interest. I didn't know what else to do, so I waved.

Shrinky said...

Oooooooh, too funny - poor you, caught with your knickers you wanted the ground to open and swallow you whole! Ah well, at least you didn't know any of them, eh? (Giggle)

Bill Lisleman said...

relieving bladder - advantage men.
thanks for sharing and from the quantity of comments everyone seems to be enjoying the image you gave.

Anonymous said...

that will be a story those people will tell at many a party!! :-)

Karen Mello Burton said...

oh. my.

Unknown said...

Oh. My. GOSH! What did you do? That would be the worst!

Alexandra said...

That is beyond embarrassing! I once changed out of wet clothes after a storm, not knowing my back was to a street window in a shop!!

Glad you enjoyed the muffintop today!

Tracie said...

LOL! That is the funniest thing I've read all day.

Hilary said...

Oh too funny.. at least in retrospect, I'm sure. ;)

Mrs4444 said...

Wow! That takes the cake, but I'll go enter, anyway!

Hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go! I've been there, Sister. Next time, get a Go-Girl! :)

Syd said...

I've been in a similar situation having to stop by the side of the road to relieve the bladder. Fortunately, there wasn't an audience.

Cheryl Kohan said...

Oh, that is SO funny! Sorry, but it just is! You were very brave to post this!!