
June 13, 2010

How To Fail A Test With Dignity

I friend sent this is an email. At least it shows initiative and imagination. I think these were various ages of students taking the tests. These are samples of answers. This was the title of the email, not necessarily one I would use.


Brian Miller said...

that was amazing...i am just surprised you found so many of my old tests...smiles.

Kristina P. said...

These are hilarious.

Clippy Mat said...

they all seem like perfectly good answers to me.

Kathy M. said...

I love these with all my heart. Thank you for lightening my day.

It reminded me of when my daughter and I were traveling in Europe, and a native of Germany made our acquaintance because he wanted to practice his English. When my daughter, who was 12 at the time, heard that he was from Germany, she asked in breathless wonder, "Do you know how to speak German?"

Robert the Skeptic said...

I never was able to find X.

Jeni said...

Loved this post! The first entry was a hoot but I think my favorite was the question "What is a fibula?" Too funny but some are answers I'd bet my kids would give.

Gappy said...

Oh that was brilliant! I loved the 'here it is' with the x! That's about my level when it comes to maths.

Jeanie said...

I'm not so sure about dignity, but the answers showed some creativity. Very funny.

Jeanie said...

I'm not so sure about dignity, but the answers showed some creativity. Very funny.

Everyday Goddess said...

briefly explain what water is? seriously? what the hell for?

i hate tests. always have. i'm glad i never have to take another one.

Tess Kincaid said...

My fave is "find x"!!!

Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

Love it soooooooooooo Funny!

LL Cool Joe said...

Yeah I've read these before and they are very funny and clever.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. This made me laugh 7 times : )

Lori said...

LOL!!!! too funny!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Very fun. I'm passing this onto my sister the teacher. She'll especially like the one about Romeo being all about himself!

Thanks for passing this on Techno.


Ronda Laveen said...

Hilarious. I loved the check! I would love to pay like that.

Opaque said...

Hahaha, I enjoyed reading this one. Umm, there was an Indian version of such a kind of hilarious answers circulating around via e-mails. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

These are funny stuff.
I remember some of my students who tried to pull something like this in exams and tests. I just smiled and give them a big '0' with my red pen.

DJan said...

I've seen some of these before, but not all of them. They were all worth a great chuckle or two. Thanks for the uplifting test results!

Leenie said...

Such creativity. I wish I would have had the nerve to write down what I thought about some of those questions. ROFL!

secret agent woman said...

I'm going to start using the word fibula. SO much cuter than "little white lie."

#1Nana said...

One of our students who is learning English answered the following:

If the statement is true, write true. If the statement is false, say why.

She answered all the false statements with "why."

African Refugees said...

I like it! Thanks for the laugh!

Kulio said...

haha...funny :-)

Cindy said...

I saw this one too, quite cute. and made sense too. lol.

Hilary said...

These are just too funny. Thanks for the laughs. :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Those were great! Thanks.

Ms. A said...

I was never good at finding X, now I know Y.

Anonymous said...

I am so going to cover every white lie now by explaining it was a fibula!!

Rock Chef said...

Love the Romeo one!

We taught our first daughter at home from the age of 11 to 16. Romeo and Juliet was one of the books she studied. When the inspector (we were inspected every year to make sure we were doing OK) asked what she thought of it her answer was along the lines of "It is really stupid, no girl would fall in love with a boy like him"! The inspector (a former English teacher) was surprised but loved her interpretation - showed individual thought and proved that she had actually read and studied the story!

Shrinky said...

I love all of these, particularly the perceived lack of development in Romeo's character (though the two polar bears, and four seals come in a very close second). Wonderful!

Anne H said...

You are a true, kind and funny blogging friend...I love the way you bring insight and humor to everything you write....thanks for passing these along!

Sabi Sunshine said...

hahaha that was so cool..!

The Urban Cowboy said...

Thanks for the laugh, funny stuff.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Funny stuff

Sniffles and Smiles said...

A friend of mine sent me these...and I roared...but you know what? I laughed just as hard this second time around!!! Too, too funny!!! Thanks for posting this!! You are so hilarious! Love your sense of humor! Love, Janine XO

Anonymous said...

The polar bear-seal one really made me laugh! I have seen some of that come along my way. haha

The Absence of Alternatives said...

LOL. Love this. And I would hire all these people if I were the owned of a consulting/idea/marketing company! This is probably one of the Urban Myths, but supposedly at a test for a philosophy class, the question is "WHY?" And the answer that got the highest mark was "Why not?"

Another one I've heard: a cheeky student left his test blank with these words: God knows all the answers. The teacher came back with a 0 mark for the test with this comment, "God Aced the test but you didn't."

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

u truly know fundamental tests to many...
Happy Tuesday!

Liz Mays said...

I'll bet some teachers got some great chuckles out of those!

beth said...

okay....i just totally laughed out loud and i thank you for starting my day with a smile !!

and the "find x"......"here it is" photo.....yeah, well that was mine from high school :)

Bill Lisleman said...

so that's the excuse for some guys - they went from childhood to adultery
- learn something everyday.

Owen said...

Very funny, and amazing how these things circulate, by e-mail, on blogs; this one even made it over here to France already, but very funny to read through them again. And perhaps one could add to the series on puberty moving on to adultery, from there we very quickly get to misery...

terri said...

Some of these I've seen before. Others, this is the first time. This kind of thing CRACKS ME UP! The elephant one never gets old. And I especially loved, "Jonathan... oh dear!"

Cheryl said...

Certainly made me chuckle. I can sorta agree with some of the answers!

Eileen said...

I got this email too and I loved it! And they aren't all wrong answers either! They may not have been what was wanted or expected, but some of them you can't argue with!

Claudya Martinez said...

When I was a little girl my would have friends over to play cards and they would outstay their welcome as far as I was concerned. I used to go into the room they were in and yell, "Vayanse Adulteros!" I thought I was saying, "Adults, leave!", but what I was really saying was, "Adulterers leave!" I guess none of them were adulterers because they would just laugh hysterically and stay.

Julie said...

I've written a few answers like these myself...haha! This is so funny and made my day.

Unknown said...

thanks for the laugh out loud.

Shay's Word Garden said...

Omg. The fibula was cute. The arctic animals was funny, especially with the cross out. But then the x (it's right here) made me laugh out loud, and then the frigging elephant in the way made me totally lose it. Someone out there thinks just like me!

Suldog said...

"Find X" "Here it is!"

Truly laugh out loud funny.

Marla said...

Too funny!

Girl Tornado said...

Sad if they are truly real, yet hysterically funny at the same time! I love the answer to the animals-in-the-Arctic question, LOL!!

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

Number 3--find X--nearly put me on the floor. So did the arithmetic check and the elephant equation. I think at least one of these was written by my son, who is, I admit, less than a model student.