
June 04, 2010


I put my hands together
And cannot pray

I close my eyes
And cannot meditate

I listen to the wind
To the birds song

I Hear the grass grow
Aah, This Is Prayer


Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a spectacular place. It's beyond green and looks so peaceful.

Ms. A said...


Robynn's Ravings said...

That is so incredibly true it's painful. Makes me think of the verse, "Even the rocks and the trees will cry out." Nature is such a rich sanctuary for peace. I think it's what's wrong with me right now. I need to go to the mountains and listen to the wind in the pines.

Gappy said...

A beautiful picture and a beautiful poem also. It really resonated with me.

Brian Miller said...

yeah it is...we can lose so much in trying to make it fit a formula...

Unknown said...

aah... you are so so right.

Opaque said...

So very true! I readily agree!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful poem. The picture looks amazing. I loved the different shades of Green! Smiles:)

DJan said...

I agree. I feel so much more connected after a day in the wilderness, like I had yesterday. That's why I'm doing as well as I am. There's a reason it's called "recreation" after all...

Ms Scarlet said...

It's sometimes more meditaive to just be and drink in your surroundings.

Tess Kincaid said...

Ah, yes, that is true prayer!

Lisa said...

I'm breathing in, the fresh air and lovely words.

Sabi Sunshine said...

Beautiful wording with amazing picture . I was totally lost in the poem it took me a moment to come out from that poem and i was having a tears in my eyes..!

Unknown said...

... everything prays.

The Good Book says so.

Jeanie said...

A beautiful expression of the peace we can find in nature.

LadyFi said...

And what beautiful prayer it is!

Kristina P. said...

I would kill to be able to sit on that bench and pray.

Casey Freeland said...

My sentiments exactly!

Kathy M. said...

Lovely. I know the feeling.

Ronda Laveen said...

Ahh...I'm so feelin' this one, TechnoBabe.

Berni said...

Lovely picture so peaceful. I tried emailing you on the flax bread comment but it returned so here it is my reply

Here is the link to the post you are referring to

"I like the idea of a Mac but they are quite expensive and not always easy to find someone to repair if neccessary. I have mostly been settling in not doing anything much or helping out hubby who is busy all the time with something. He is now planning to build a shed so I probably will be a gofer for a while. Planning to start the jewellry in winter and probably pick up blogging a bit more then too."

Suldog said...

Lovely, indeed. And the words are true.

Anonymous said...

Very beautifully written!

Anonymous said...

Amen, sister, to your words.

The photo is spectacular.

gayle said...

Beautiful words and picture!!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Oh to be at peace enough to hear the grass grow.

Bernie said...

Beautiful picture and such wise words.....prayers are from the heart. There are many who cannot hear the birds or the wind but still find a way to pray, I believe we all find our own way to calm, peace and contentment.
Have a great weekend.....:-) Hugs

Shanel said...

love the poem and love the pic!

Kulio said...

That is beautiful! And so true for me sometimes :-)

secret agent woman said...

Have you ever seen the kids' picture book by Douglas Wood called "Grandad's Prayers for the Earth"? I bet you'd love it.

Mrs4444 said...

Sure would love to go there...

beth said...

this is amazing.....words and photo....ladybugs are prayer, too....and even dragonflies and dandelions :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

That is so green it hurts my eyes! :)

Cheryl Kohan said...

A stunning photo!

Claudya Martinez said...

Just looking at all that green
makes me feel serene.

Ha! I made it rhyme.

Maude Lynn said...

This is truly lovely.

TALON said...

So true - just being surrounded by all the glory of nature is definitely a prayer. Beautiful poem and a perfect photo.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely lovely Techno

Liz Mays said...

That is truly magical and so calming. I love it.

Hilary said...

Beautiful. Breathtaking and yet breath-slowing all at once.

Enchanted Oak said...

I know that feeling, and that form of prayer.

LL Cool Joe said...

Nothing worse than trying to force a prayer. Sometimes we should let the prayer find us.

Thank you so much for the shout out on the link you left on my blog, I've only just had a chance to catch up with all my reading! That made me laugh out loud!

Owen said...

I like that kind of prayer ...

Green-Eyed Momster said...

Maybe something I should take up again?


Amy said...

Beautifully stated and exquisite graphic to go along. Thank you!

Anne H said...

I hear you - thank you for all the posts, stories, and comments. I like being part of your Adventures.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I lu-huv that photo! And prayer is found in so many forms! Nice post.

Pseudo said...

I feel most at prayer at the top of the trail, looking out and across the ocean.

Eileen said...

I so agree!
I don't pray in a 'normal' way anymore, nor in what most people would call a 'normal' prayer atmosphere.
When and where I feel closest to God is when and where the spirit moves me!

Beautiful photo! Looks like Heaven to me!

Eddie Bluelights said...

Quite beautiful - Heaven on Earth punctuated by your lovely words

Stacy Uncorked said...

Too beautiful for words...the words and the picture. ;)

Syd said...

So very true. That is a beautiful allee.

Marla said...


heartinsanfrancisco said...

I don't know how I missed this. It's beautiful! And so is the picture.