
October 02, 2010

A Few Of Life's Lessons

I've learned...
That life is like a
roll of toilet paper.
The closer it gets
To the end, the
faster it goes.

I've learned...
That we should be
glad God doesn't
give us everything
we ask for.

I've learned...
That money doesn't
buy common sense.

I've learned...
it's those small daily happenings
that make life so

I've learned...
That under everyone's
hard shell is someone
who wants to be
and loved.

I've learned...
That to ignore the
facts does not
change the facts.

I've learned...
That the less time
I have to work,
the more things
I get done.

My sister-in-law sent this to me in an email. I shortened the original list and changed a couple words. Remember, getting old is when everything dries up or leaks.
So it helps to learn as much as we can along the way.


Brian Miller said...

smiles. a lot of that holds true in my life as well...happy saturdday techno

Unknown said...

I like remembering that under the hard shell is someone who wants to be loved...

hoping not to leak or dry out too much more for a bit...

have a great weekend

DJan said...

I like the one about being glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for. I've learned that one very well. I like the brevity of these little reminders, they can stick better in my leaky brain. :-)

terri said...

Words of wisdom, for sure!

Shrinky said...

A lot of wisdom in these few lines (smile). Hope you are enjoying a great weekend, hon.

Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

You make my <3 Heart <3 Happy

Jeanie said...

Full of truth and wisdom. Good reminders, no matter what age we are.

Hilary said...

Much wisdom here.. as I always find in your pages. I hope you're having a great weekend.

TALON said...

So true - especially the toilet paper analogy! It's getting faster and faster to me these days.

Oh, I do sometimes wish that common sense could be sold at a local store! lol!

Thank you, TechnoBabe! I hope you're having a beautiful weekend.

Enchanted Oak said...

This is my favorite one:
I've learned...
it's those small daily happenings
that make life so

I have to keep my eyes wide open for them!

Kulio said...

So true! Thanks for these :-)

Jason, as himself said...

Very good reminders!

Stickup Artist said...

Well put and the little cartoon is so cute! Good maxims at any age.

English Rider said...

Maybe I should rename my blog "still trying to change the facts, by ignoring them".
Getting more done in less time is so true.
Great smile-provoking post. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I love this so very much. Thank you for reminding me.

Kristina P. said...

Truths for the ages.

Anonymous said...

Amusing and true words of wisdom.. thanks for sharing the words and the laughter.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That was fun, thank you for sharing.

Cindy said...

this is all so true, it is sad sometimes that some don't realize until it is too late. have a great weekend.

Opaque said...

Thanks for sharing these...

Bernie said...

Love this, kind of hits close to home. I especially liked the picture of life on wheels. Have a great weekend......:-)Hugs

LL Cool Joe said...

"I've learned...
That under everyone's
hard shell is someone
who wants to be
and loved."

I think we all really need to remember that, I think we'd all be a bit more forgiving if we did.

Jinksy said...

My, but you're a wize old/young bird!

African Refugees said...

Well said! Ever so true!! Thank you for sharing.

Anne H said...

The truth is so obvious once you see it.
Thanks for all the times you share with us!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

we can learn a lot if study the toilet paper, eh? ;)

Mike said...

Funny how when you are young you want time to pass quickly and then as you get older you would do anything to have it slow down!

Jeni said...

A whole lot of truth in those adages for sure -especially the last one about old age and leaking parts, etc! Got a good chuckle out of that even though I recognized fully the truth in it! Peace!

Lori said...

These are so true! You are so right, it's the small things that make the day spectacular! Happy Sunday to you and yours. XX

Maude Lynn said...

Money most definitely doesn't buy common sense!

gayle said...

Love it!! and I am drying up in places and leaking in others!!;)

Eddie Bluelights said...

A lot of good points there "Techie" and very relevant to life.
God certainly does not aleays give us everything we ask for - but he always answers but sometimes with a quiet "No" for our own good. Imagine him letting me be a brain surgeon LOL
I like the toilet paper one but in our house life would be very short because we are always changing it for a new roll. LOL See ya! ~ Eddie

Oh how is hubby getting on with his roast?

Everyday Goddess said...

This is true, sage wisdom. Excellent reminders!

Anonymous said...

That was very beautiful! And all very true! Have a good weekend! :)

Robert the Skeptic said...

I seem to have learned that no good deed ever seems to go unpunished.

Lola Sharp said...

Man, it IS like a roll of T.P.---it goes faster every year.

I hope your weekend was delightful. :)

HAPPY Sunday.

Pseudo said...

All so true. And it goes by so fast.

Bill Lisleman said...

"dried out or leaks" reminds me of our old house.

Great wisdom you are sharing with us, but I take exception to the
less time = more things
one. I have suffered through too many managers short of a circus that apply that rule. Schedules are not always that flexible. You can't squeeze 10 lbs of sh** in a 5 lbs bag unless you want 5 lbs of mess to clean up.
all the best

Karen Mello Burton said...

A lot of good adages here. I think I am especially glad that I have not gotten everything I have wishes for.

Cheryl said...

Very nicely said! Although I have had many days that I feel that my brain is full...but seriously one must keep active. Sorry I haven't been by lately...a little under the weather but I haven't forgotten all my dear blog friends. Will be around again!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

love the cartoon of the wheels in our lives.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...


MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

All good points, except one: I've learned that ALMOST everybody wants to be appreciated and loved. There are a few people out there who really don't care as long as they're in control. It's best to stay away from them.

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

All good points, although I take small exception with one: I've learned that ALMOST everybody wants to be apprecited and loved. There are a few people out there who truly don't care how you feel about them as long as they're in control. It's best to avoid those folks, although hard to know in advance.

Joanna Jenkins said...

"Getting old is when everything dries up or leaks." Hahahaha!

You crack me up Techno. Hope life is treating you good.

xo jj said...

Love it

Syd said...

I'm not leaking or drying out yet, unless you count the recent rains. I like this. I have learned that retirement means staying busy all the time.

secret agent woman said...

"That under everyone's
hard shell is someone
who wants to be
and loved."

So true.

Claudya Martinez said...

Yup to all of these.

Mrs4444 said...

I totally identify with that last one; I am so good under pressure, but I hate putting myself in that position. I think a lot of us do that. I wonder about the psychology of that.

Okay, so I just went and googled it and found a very interesting article (in which I saw some parts of myself).

I'm not a major procrastinator, but I did see myself in some of the article. Are YOU a procrastinator? :)

OJ Gonzalez-Cazares said...

I have a "life according to me" section in my blog, just some thoughts I come up with while experiencing daily events, and how I decide to face them - based on your post,I think you may like them!

Cheryl Kohan said...

This really is so profound...I've seen it before but not for a long, long time. It's perfect.