
October 31, 2010

Halloween Adventures

This picture is courtesy of Ajey at The Odds Are Good, But The Goods Are Odd. Thank you, Ajey, for giving me permission to use your picture.

Happy Halloween everyone. Hubby and I moved to a new house October 30 so our Halloween is in a new house in a new town. We send out hugs and howls to everyone for a wonderful holiday.


Bernie said...

Happy Halloween to you as well, hope your move went smoothly and that your husband had a wonderful birthday.....:-) Hugs

Eddie Bluelights said...

Happy Halloween yo you both.
Hope you are both very happy in your new/old cottage. Peace and blessings.

. . . and bealted Happy Birthday to hubby.

Anne H said...

Hugs and Howls? as usual?
Hope your now little cottage is loving and happy!
Awesome move, TechnoBabe!

savannah said...

happy halloween! all the best to you both! xoxox

Brian Miller said...

yay! hope the move went well and not too sore from carrying things in. and i hope the birthday was a good one as well...happy halloweeen!

Hilary said...

I hope you have many ghosts and goblins to help christen your new place!

Jeni said...

Here's hoping Halloween is very hauntingly nice in your new home!

Unknown said...

Hugs and howls to you too!

Jeanie said...

Happy Halloween housewarming. I hope the move went well.

DJan said...

Gee, that's not how I pictured your new place. But it's perfect for today! Happy Halloween to YOU, too! And as others have already said, Hugs and Howls!

Anonymous said...

may your doorsteps be filled with lots of little ghosts and goblins this evening!

Kristina P. said...

I hope we get to see pics!

Lori said...

Happy unpacking! Hope you get lots of trick or treaters to greet you in your new home. Happy Halloween to you and yours!
Pictures? Many hugs. XX

TALON said...

Hoping all went well with the move, TechnoBabe! Happy Halloween!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

NEW HOME! yay!

Rick said...

That's a good illustration - shows a lot of skills. My illustrations are not so technical, but I do enjoy sharing. I hope that you had a happy Halloween.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Hey Techno, Hope the move went smoothly and the unpacking and settling in is easy.
Happy Halloween, jj

Unknown said...

Wishing you all the best in your new home!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I hope you enjoy your new place! Best wishes.

Opaque said...

Happy Halloween to you both!

Marla said...

Did you get any trick or treaters?