
May 09, 2011



Shrinky said...

Eeek, scary thing is, I could pretty much use all of those terms (once I learn how to text)..!

LL Cool Joe said...

I'm so old I don't have a mobile phone and I've never texted anyone in my life. :D

Ms. A said...

I hate texting, but these would definitely work!

Anne H said...

lmao - omg!

Rock Chef said...

Hah, got through!

I text to one friend on a regular basis - I always use full words, none of this textese stuff...

CiCi said...

Shrinky, You crack me up.

LL Cool Joe, Don't you even try to say you are old, not on this old lady's blog.

Ms.A, I don't text much, but it works when I need it.

Anne H, Glad you laughed.

Rock Chef, Yay, you were able to leave a comment. I could have texted you!

Dave King said...

That's because we can't spare the time.

Attila the Mom said...


Anonymous said...

Love 'em!

DJan said...

Funny, but also pretty sad. I don't text on my phone but send emails instead, and I like whole words. But if I did use abbreviations, they would be somewhere in that list... :-)

Jeanie said...

Great information for the tech savvy oldsters. My problem would be remembering them :)

CiCi said...

Dave, I have time to spare. I just am particular what I wait for.

Attila the Mom, Glad you are laughing.

Jillsy Girl, see what you have to look forward to?

DJan, I text occasionally, but mostly email on my computer.

Jeanie, That is a good reminder.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

LOG!!!!! Ha! How about TAN for took a nap!

Maggie May said...

Now you are trying to confuse me!!!!!
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Hilary said...


Forgot what I was going to comment. ;)

Carolyn said...

I love texting! I just don't like abbreviations!

Homeowner Insurance

Kristina P. said...

My husband uses the LOG one a lot!

Jeni said...

If I had a cell and did the texting thing, I can definitely see where those abbreviations would come in handy for me to use. Thankfully though, a cell phone down in the gully where I live is virtually useless so I need not have the extra expense then of a cell phone plus the standard land line -which is a necessity of life for me to have that form of communication, for sure!

Brian Miller said...

omg. lol. rflmao.

ahem. rather funny techno. smiles.

savannah said...

one of my boys watched me trying to send a reply to his sister, took my phone and just called her! they've stopped trying now. :~D xoxoxo

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I don't abbreviate personally, if it does not fit, I send two!

Bill Lisleman said...

That is a great idea. Why should the young crowd make up all the hip acronyms? The greatest generation gave them ASAP and baby boomers have plenty more, we just need to think of where we put them.

Margie said...

I hardly ever text but this is funny!

Liz Mays said...

Hilarious and SO true!

Karen Mello Burton said...

LTMDFO. ( laughed til my dentures fell out)!!!

CiCi said...

Gary, TAN every day.

Maggie May, We are all confused.

Hilary, That's the spirit.

Carolyn, I don't need to stay in touch as often as some people.

Kristina P, Your Adam sounds like a great guy.

Jeni, I use the cell phone so little now I forget about it.

Brian, I wonder what the abbreviated sayings will be when you get to my age. Ha.

CiCi said...

savannah, the younger generations are so fast with all techie things.

Vinny, my daughter sends me continuous texts sometimes too.

lisleman, our generation has lots to contribute still.

Margie, same here. Emails are my way to stay in touch.

blueviolet, I think so too.

Kazzy, see, these things are what you have to look forward to.

Cricket said...

Heh, heh. I loathe "gadgets" as a rule anyway. My el cheapo mp3 player a shocking exception. Still, no cell, no text for me.

Hell, I don't even pick up my land line more than 50% of the time. Why? You push ten buttons and I'm supposed to drop everything and run? I don't think so.

My wife used to be with me on this. Then her mom got her a cell when she was pregnant with our younger "just in case." Yeah, right. She may as well have given her a vial of crack.

My mantra now: a cell phone is not a remedy for poor planning. Stop calling me! If it can wait, it should wait.

Texting is not part of my world, and I hope to keep it that way as long as I can.

Love the abbreviations, though. Even if I don't text, I know the situations well enough. My bugbear lately: walking into a room only to wonder "what the hell did I come in here for?"

Kulio said...

haha, I love it!

Eileen said...

I have never 'texted' in my life. I don't even 'dial' the phone anymore, I can't see! I have to rely on the phone menu to dial for me! And I hardly ever remember to take my cell phone out with me, it sits at home in the charger all the time!

I actually still have an old rotary phone that works and I love it!
All the best,

Eileen said...

PS ~ I tell all my friends and relatives ~ "If you ever LOL me, I'm going to slap you upside the head!"

Momma Fargo said...


Love that. Somehow...they all made sense, too.

Ina in Alaska said...

some of those totally apply to my husband!!! Won't say which ones, though!!!

CiCi said...

Cricket, after years of phones ringing and every call considered "urgent", I can't stand hearing a phone ring. Here in our home we have the ringer "off" and message set on lowest volume so we can hear when someone is leaving message. Then it is our choice to pick up or let them finish their message. This is the only thing that works for both of us.

Kulio, how are you doing? Haven't heard from you in awhile.

Eileen, You are definitely not old.

Momma Fargo, Of course they make sense. They would have to for us seniors to remember what they are.

Ina, So your hubby is getting up here with the rest of us, huh.

Claudya Martinez said...

NMB-Need my bifocals

I hope you had a lovely Mother's Day.

TALON said...

lol! I don't even text (I don't even own a cell phone) so my list would be on paper :)

CiCi said...

Unknown Mami, I will be getting bifocals as soon as I get appointment with eye doctor.

Talon, You obviously know you aren't missing anything by not having a cell phone.

beth said...

LOL....isn't that the truth !!!

Maude Lynn said...

That's hilarious!

Big Dave T said...

I could add a few myself. WWID (What was I doing?). Or CYRTIWPA (Could you repeat that? I wasn't paying attention.)

Cricket said...

Unrelated to this post, of course, but so glad you liked the pie. i had been wondering. Really good for something so easy, no?

If you haven't already, you owe it to yourself to buy a pint of heavy cream and whip it yourself, with or without the sugar. Mmmmmmmm.

One of life's simple pleasures that we have forgotten in these Cool Whip days. If you haven't had real whipped cream in a million, brace yourself. ;-)

Dave King said...

I can relate to that.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Well some of us old folk are texting and loving it.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Hi Techno, How are you?
The funny thing about texting is that you can actually google the letters and figure out what people are saying. Times have sure changed-- but I rarely ever text.

Have a great weekend, jj

Mrs4444 said...

omg--That's hilarious! Mr.4444 and I had a good laugh. Thanks.

terri said...

Hilarious! I needed that!