
November 18, 2006

Fall Harvest

I am looking forward to having four days off work. This coming Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. There doesn't have to be a particular holiday to be thankful.

My sweet boyfriend and I will cook our Thanksgiving dinner together and eat a nice meal together. But wait, we do that every day. For us, the joy of sharing preparation of the food, and the companionship while eating, and cleaning up is a daily blessing. We appreciate the simple things and are so grateful for the life we share.

We won't have a huge spread on the table; we will have a few simple foods and be grateful for it. In our past lives, we have seen hard times as well as abundance, and we agree: we don't want much or need much now.

As you all enjoy your Thanksgiving with family and friends, we wish you joy as you share food and conversation with your loved ones and accumulate good memories.

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