Green Eyed Momster is sharing a Kreativ Blogger Award with this little hippie blog. Whoo Hoo! Thank you for putting this blog in the same post as the wonderful blogs named to receive this award.
Green Eyed Momster is a working woman, a wife, a mother to a whole house full of kids and a barnyard of animals. She gets my vote for busy hard working push-her-down-and-she- gets-right-up woman! And she's cute too.
Since I am supposed to follow the award rules, I will list seven fabulous things about myself. Hold on to your hats, here's the Big Seven:
1. I take meds for high pressure. That's pretty exciting, right?
2. Camping was the way my kids and I took vacations and had time together. I also went camping without my kids sometimes with groups. Wilderness camping. I can form a circle with rocks and start a little fire and cook my food and set up my own little tent and use my little shovel. Yep, I am a camper. No, I do not belong to the country club.
3. My kids dad and I each had crossbows and would set up hay and targets and practice together. We were pretty good.
4. I started cutting my own hair when I was five years old. My mother had the scissors in her hand and was going to attempt again to cut my bangs. I ran away from her and locked myself in the bathroom. I sat in the sink and got the razor blades out of the medicine cabinet and watched myself in the mirror and cut my hair. When I came out, my mother had to admit I did a better job on my bangs than she did so from then on I cut my own hair, but after that first time I used scissors.
5. I never ate fast food until I was in eleventh grade. The foster home I was in at the time was a large family and some evenings they would make a Taco Bell run. This was like I died and went to fast food heaven. I would ride with whoever was driving just for the sheer fun of the drive through experience.
6. My kids did not get to go trick or treating. I was paranoid about something bad happening on a crazy night like Halloween is (to my way of seeing it then). I kept telling them they were just too precious to me to take even a tiny chance on anyone tainting a candy and something happening to them. They always were given the option of having a Halloween party at our place or all of us going out to dinner and/or a movie or something they all voted for. It always worked out and as far as I know they never resented not going trick or treating or felt deprived. However, my daughters are the ones with children and they do allow them to trick or treat.
7. I used to hike and walk a lot. Every weekend was time for a good hike. I was a dare devil too. So I would jump from boulders and climb around like I was still a kid. About fifteen years ago I jumped down from a large boulder and landed wrong. By the time I went to a podiatrist the joint under my big toe was damaged. I was in a cast for a couple months and then a goofy shoe thing for awhile but it has always been tender and sore under that big toe. All that means is that since that happened, I was not able to wear high heels. Hallelujah! That got me out of having to try to wear those high stepping skinny heeled shoes and boots. I'm a tennis shoe or hiking boot kind of girl!! And proud of it!
Whew. Did I deliver on the fabulous facts???
Now, Drum roll, this award is being passed on to:
My friend, Margie, at
WHEN THE HEART SPEAKS. If you want to read gentle poetry from her heart, read her posts.
Shanel, at
Determined To Have Joy. Isn't that a nice name for a Blog?
James, at
Something Sighted. His blog is teaching the wanna be photographer in me some of the basics and by seeing his work I am encouraged to try to be as good as he is.
And hey, I am doing my part by passing it on. There is no obligation to do anything with it. It is a choice. If you would like to accept this award, cool. If you are not into the award thing, that is cool too. Get it?