
August 19, 2010

A Walk Through The Neighborhood

He looks like an ordinary man
People don't pay attention to him
He walks the neighborhood

He doesn't show himself every day
Different clothes and hats are used
He checks out the neighborhood

He walks casually and unhurried
Evening is his preferred time
To investigate the neighborhood

He looks in the windows
Before the blinds are closed
He memorizes the neighborhood

He picks out flat screen TVs
By now he knows when people get home
The neighborhood burglar has a target


Shadow said...

...and this is exactly how it happens.

Cindy said...

I agree with Shadow, so very true. It sometimes scares me, because I spend so much time here and I am so aware of comings and goings and schedules of the neighbors/ someone would not have to case out the place for very long that is for sure. it is unfortunate. the only thing that has ever happened here is someone tried to cyphon gas from my my house anyway. take care.

Opaque said...

The correct sequence of events...

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

I just pray that this never becomes a reality.

Anne H said...

I was robbed and it was one of the worst things ever.

secret agent woman said...

Chilling. Fortunately, you can't see anything of value from my front windows

Brian Miller said...

shoot, just ask the neighbors...they will tell me what time you get home...yeah, they can be pretty tricky about finding a place...

Liz Mays said...

I think that's pretty darn accurate. I am actually really grateful that I'm a stay at home mom, that being one of the reasons.

R. J. said...

You are so right. I got really mad this week when I looked out the front window to see a guy walking away from my house which is a long walk from the street. He had taped an advertisement to my front door but I thought that was a perfect excuse to walk the neighborhood to case the houses and see which looked like folks were away on vacation. I called the township and asked them to put up no soliciting signs. I am such a nuisance, I notice everything so maybe I am paranoid, neurotic or a realist.

Casey Freeland said...

I think the secret to avoid being burglarized is to never sleep. I'll let you know how that turns out for me. :)

Good post.


Jeanie said...

And we are so predictable in our schedules we probably make a pretty good target. Good reminder.

Anonymous said...


TALON said...

I can't imagine living a life of crime. If only they would put all that effort into something decent.

Joanna Jenkins said...

I had one of those people in my neighborhood, unfortunately a few times.
Be careful,

Kristina P. said...

When I was growing up, in California, in a really bad neighborhood, we were burlarized several times, including in the middle of the night, when we were all at home. It was scary.

Unknown said...

now that our area is growing, we are getting"strangers " walking around, and have suddenly started locking up more, being aware more.
it's unfortunate.

Robert the Skeptic said...

Yeah I would bet that your stolen property resides only a few houses away. I hear that if you have been burglarized that it is highly likely you will a second time as the burglars EXPECT you to use your insurance to replace all you goodies with NEW goodies... which is even a more salivating target for them.

And, of course, they can watch your comings and goings and target you with ease.

I'd seriously consider a home surveillance camera that records the images of the burglars. I'll be polices would not simply take a "report" and file it away somewhere if they had pictures.

Bill Lisleman said...

wait a minute - I love taking walks in our neighborhood. I'll take a look at the homes but I don't stare into windows. But it doesn't take much sometimes to notice big screen TV flashing screens from the path. I don't trespass and hopefully I'm not creepy but I do need a haircut I've been told.

I think dogs do help protect but the best protection is neighbors that know each other (not too common) and are willing to help watch the area.

Cricket said...

Yep - sounds about right. A unique poem.

As one of your commenters mentioned, using flyers as a ruse is pretty common. A stack of pizza menus or something is all you need to allay suspicion. Of course, most of those folks are really from the pizza place, but still...

Lori said...

You are so right. Even though I live in a very small rural community I still think about these things. While we do lock our doors at night(at my insistance, not my husbands)there are still those that live here that don't. As neighbors we do watch over each other and I think that helps.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Times have changed. In many cities and towns the new high tech gadgets are used to determine who's home. Remote has a two way set up and sadly there are folks who know when a house or an apt. is empty by very new means.Some believe security systems help. Some know better.

Maude Lynn said...

Oh, that's creepy!

Eddie Bluelights said...

Makes my blood boil. Unfortunately there are so many of them. I have a sticker on the inside window saying:
"Burglars, I would not bother if I were you! Every article of value has my post code written on it in an Ultra Violet pen - you won't be able to sell it. And besides that if I catch you, I'll cut your hands off".

We have had some burglaries in the neighbourhood and to gain access they had to scale a ten foot fence. The neighbour told the police he was going to put razor wire at the top of his fence but the police said he couldn't in case the burglar injured himself. The neighbour was furious saying, "What the hell would he be doing on the top of my fence other than breaking in?".

The law is an ass!
Bye for now - speak soon

Bernie said...

This is scary but I feel very accurate....I am on my own here, not sure what I would do if someone attempted to break in when I'm inside, if they have to come in I pray I am away and deal with it when I come home.....:-)Hugs

Far Side of Fifty said...

Times are getting tougher..I am sure it is going to get worse too:)

Julie said...

Oh, that is so true. I used to think I was safe, because I've mostly lived in rural areas. Then one of my relatives was attacked in his own front yard. The men who attacked him were high on crystal meth. My relative was hurt badly. It was an awful experience.

Thanks for the very wise words!

Ed Pilolla said...

interesting. it does raise the question about a typical neighborhood burglar profile. and there are certainly different kinds. the one you write about sounds methodical, more likely to be a successful burglar. the ones that don't do research, i guess they get caught more often.

Karen Mello Burton said...

We live in a quiet little neighborhood where so many people don't lock their doors. We are religious about it, though. Never can be too sure.

Anonymous said...

That is frightening! There's always someone in our home so we have been saved! But it is scary to think about!!

Happy Frog and I said...

I feel very safe in my neighbourhood but I don't take any chances. Never leave the windows open when I leave no matter how hot it gets. It pays to be careful. It's the violation of my space that would get me though, not the potential loss of valuables.

Syd said...

I am glad that we only have squirrels who look in the windows.

Marla said...

Very scary....