
August 11, 2010

We're Going To Save On Our Electric Bill

Ha. We bought the super dooper light bulbs that use less energy and last longer. They do cost more and have less wattage, but they will use less energy.


Gappy said...

I use those too. You soon get used to the slightly dimmer light.

Another plus point: you have an amazing new light fitting!

Opaque said...

Kudos to the energy savers!!!

Brian Miller said...

thats a lot of

we use those as well...and have been fairly pleased...

Maha said...

they look pretty cool but i never really liked the illumination they give, I sort of find it annoying.

Syd said...

Nice--very chic. We have the energy saving bulbs throughout the house. I actually like them a lot.

Lori said...

LOL We use these too!

Jeanie said...

We use a lot of those, too. Your photo makes a bold statement.

DJan said...

I found that some of them are less long-lived than others, we pay for the better ones and have been very happy with them. We use them throughout our apartment.

Anonymous said...

I haven't tried those yet, but I plan to purchase some on my next visit to the store.

Maggie May said...

Wow....... that looks different!
I find they are dimmer than normal ones and some of mine have not lasted that long!
Maggie X

Nuts in May

ellen abbott said...

We've been using them for a couple of years. they come in white light and day light now.

R. J. said...

It's great to save energy. I don't mind them in some rooms, but they take too long to heat to a normal level of light. Sometimes I finish what I need to do in a room,and turn off the light to leave before it reaches full light. I removed them from my back hall and laundry room for that reason.

Debbie said...

We use those exclusively. Of course, they also burn out on us in a few months where the boxes swear they will last 8 years.

Sabi Sunshine said...

i use those one too and they look awesome too.. Feel good to save energy. Have a lovely day!


Sheri said...

are you sure this isn't your new tanning bed?

Big Dave T said...

I have a problem with paying more and getting less (light). Especially since as I get older, everything's getting dimmer anyway with my fading vision. I don't need less light to make it even more painful to see.

Kristina P. said...

I need to look into these.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Careful when you break one. The contain toxic mercury. They need careful disposal too! Turns out they save money but aren't really "green" because of the above.

TALON said...

They definitely save money, but it's too bad they have mercury, Home Depot and a couple of other places here will safely dispose of them when they expire, but be careful handling them if they break. I love the funky look of that light fixture with those bulbs - lol!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

I think their shape is groovy and cool :)

Cheryl said...

Yay! The bulbs took a little getting used to but we have finally switched from the older bulbs to the newer ones.

Claudya Martinez said...

Dang that is a lot of bulbs in one fixture. You will be happy you made the switch. The lower wattage on them is still equivalent to a higher wattage on the conventional ones. We have an 11 watt one on the kitchen stove, but it's like 60 watts compared to the regular one.

gayle said...

I am not showing this to my husband!! He will want to copy you:)!!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Is that really your light fixture!?!?! I love it!

We use those bulbs too. It bug me that they take time to "light up" but I keep reminding myself I'm doing my part to save the planet. Now all I have to do is figure out how and where to dispose of them properly when they burn out. They have mercury in them and they're not supposed to go in the regular trash/landfills-- or so I've heard.

Take care, jj

Tabitha.Montgomery said...

Kudos for switching bulbs.You will save money!We got a credit back this year after our annual adjustment because we not only changed all of our bulbs,we use an energy efficient fuse for our hot tub.AND turn off the lights and power whenever we can when not is use ;)

A little change goes a long way.

Cindy said...

we use them too, that is quite the light fixture....we are trying to do our part little by little. take care.

Rock Chef said...

Hm, that might just throw out the same light as an old 60w bulb!

Karen Mello Burton said...

LOL that is one awesome light fixture!

Stickup Artist said...

I miss the lovely shape of the old bulbs but we are phasing them out as well. Enjoy your savings and the knowledge of benefiting the environment!

Suldog said...

I find the illumination from those lights very unsettling, cold. I much prefer the sort of hazy yellow from older bulbs. That's not to say I don't use the newer ones in places. We have them in the cellar, for instance, where the light would not be comfy and cozy in any case. But, for extended periods of time, those bulbs would depress hell out of me, I think.

Liz Mays said...

I only have one of those bulbs in my house thus far. I had to giggle at your fixture with those fun bulbs!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

I slow. Today I revisited this post and read the photo credit. Then I spent time at their site having a laugh. thanks!! Worth the saving. lol

Unknown said...

: ) That looks crazy cool. Like modern art : )

Julie said...

I love the picture! I have the energy efficient bulbs, too. I hate to say it, but I hate them. I'm a real "bright light" person, and they feel so dim and give off a weird color. Maybe I have the wrong kind. Or maybe I'm just getting crotchety and too set in my ways...LOL! I hope they work well at your house.

Attila the Mom said...

I'm sorry. I can't stop giggling.

Juli said...

Exactly what Unknown Mami said. We have these bulbs in almost all of our fixtures.

Robert the Skeptic said...

My concern about compact fluorescent bulbs is the mercury that is used in them. This requires people to dispose of them in a more responsible manner. But most people will put them in the garbage which will end up in the landfill.

You watch; I wager in the ensuing years there will be this new controversy about mercury leeching into the water table and environment.

secret agent woman said...

I've used them for years and I just don't understand people's reluctance to use them It's not just saving on your energy bills, it's about being kinder to your planet.

Rose said...

I applaud your energy saving.

Marla said...

Ok, this made me laugh. Brilliant!